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Jan 30, 2012
The Duke City
Got hung up behind some cagers this morning on the way to work and in a fit of madness, found a hole and took it. What I didn't see was the city cop buried in traffic to my left. The inevitable happened and 2 miles down the road it was Christmas time. Long story short, 122 in a 60, "WTF were you thinking?", "Didn't you see me?", "You're lucky this didn't happen earlier this morning because I'm off-duty and headed home" and finally "Don't let me catch you again". All the while chuckling to himself. Whew.

Can you say "arrest-able offense"? One very cool-ass cop.

Moral of the story, don't ride angry.
hahaha 122 in a 60. i bet you **** yourself.

I was laying on the airbox in a full tuck, what the fock? I'm 'sposed to be watching the traffic AND the speedo?

edit: BTW not bragging, it was a stupid and foolish thing to do, even if at some point all the traffic was behind me.

And please don't tell my wife or I'll be a permanent cager
Guilty. As of 30 minutes ago. Except I crossed a double yellow going around some morMONs in a mini van that were drifting all over the road only to have highway patrol coming the other way. They were sight seeing I assume. (Temple Square Salt Lake City).
Confiscated bike, felony, big ass fine, and jail time for those numbers here. A friend just got a 2500 dollar fine for 110 in a 55 in his car. The states attorney was trying to get the judge to giue him 3 months on top of that but the judge wouldnt go for it. Can you say police state?