your thoughts on this story?

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I see it a little different as far as the officer's actions. Yes, he did take his gun out but he never pointed it at the rider. Was this overkill, probably since you can pretty much see a rider's hands clearly. Could he have better identified himself or be better marked as an officer definately. He did verbally identify himself 4-5 seconds after exiting the car and a marked unit was already there or arriving in that few seconds. Combine the verbal statement, the marked unit rollin up and the generally ******* driving he was doing, I think he should be able to figure out, he's dealing with the police. My opinion nothing wrong legally with the stop. Dude might have got a little amped up but, I see nothing that bad. (People got to remember, some of the idiot things people/riders do while driving are felonies in many states. Don't be surprised when you get treated like a felon.)

The other issue about the filming and it's release is complete ********. I can't see how that law would be constitutional at all.
I don't see a problem with the actions of the cop. He was calm and direct and prompt enough to identify himself. Flashing a badge would have been a better choice but at least he didn't point it at him.

The posting the video online thing is ridiculous and I don't see anything to come from that. Prob just pissed that everyone knows what this undercover cop drives/looks like. At least no one was screaming and yelling and shooting at people.
now what do you think would've happened if the guy on the fast bike just took off reguardless of if he was a cop or not. my point being, some dude jumping out of his car at a light with a gun, ordering me off my bike. he knew the guy was following him. most people would get irrational if a gun is pulled on them in traffic, i know i would.
Being as how all I have seen is forward of the rider. Did he know there were police chasing him? Ticket well yes.

As far as the vid goes, tough poopoo copper. They're just mad because it shows them in the wrong as far as procedure goes. Not only should he win the Video case he should get compensation against the popo for haressment.

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