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id take the money and run for the hills then. theres plenty of nice firebolts for sale that havent been slammed and slid.
Not as bad of damage as I expected to the frame I would for sure do an insurance buy back and fix stuff over time and maybe have 2 buells in the garage some day
What Ranger said. Damage doesn't look that bad to me. If you are unsure of the forks, I would replace them, the fairing mount and belt. Swing arm rash looks cosmetic and I would ride it like that but if it bothers you, replace it. I say buy back, get it road worthy with a salvage title and use the rest of insurance money to buy another one! :)

Could it be that the fender is twisted and not the forks? I really have a hard time telling from the photos, but when you do a side shot, forks look lined up. Can't tell if bottome right fork is bent liek it may have hit something with the front tire ie: wall, dirt, ditch?
It is possible the front tire just twisted the forks a touch in the tree. It happens all the time on dirt bikes, try loosening the upper and lower clamps and the axle (while the bike is supported from underneath) and see if you can get everything re-aligned while its loose. If not, then it's possible the forks are bent..

But in all honesty, depending on the size of the check, you may be better off just taking the cash and buying a new one..
*sigh* insurance should hopefully let me know whats going on least i hope so im tired of waiting through this stupid process, just want my bike back
they finally got back to me yesterday (allstate sucks btw) they basically said:
Bike value: 4566
with tags: 4949
after deduct: 3949

i asked about keeping the bike and he got a quote and said the first offer was I get $1000 and the bike but he said to wait over night and get a bunch more offers then when they average all of them it should drop alot and give me more money with the bike. so as of now im waiting for him to call me and see what happened. Im really hoping to have this settled today [sad] prolly wont happen tho
on the phone with insurance right now, I have them at $2000 plus the bike back and thats about what I wanted to get to only thing is I financed 3500 of the bike so since it has a lein on it they cant give it to me they have to give me the settlement price [sad] sooo now I guess i have to find a way to get a personal loan and pay off the bike loan so I actually "own" the bike....sigh....
Also make sure you get a salvage title back with it. or some proof of ownership. I bought back a totaled car from my insurance company and they refused to give me the title. Certain states dont allow vehicles to be rebuilt, others do. Like VA, cars if they are totaled no title can be issued or returned by the insurance/bank, but bikes can be rebuilt without anything ever showing up on the title. Good Luck
Labor-25 hours @86.00= $2150.00
Estimate-$295.00 (This fee is waived if work is done here)

bwahahaha^^^ thats great...mp09 [up] thanks for the advice, i talked with insurance about it and i have 90days to fix it and get it re inspected and if it passes then theyll give me a salvaged title and im good to go

great news!! Im getting the bike and the 2k cause I refinanced my car loan and pulled the money from equity that i had built up while paying on it, payed off my bike loan and rolled them both together. It took a $380 car payment and $115 bike payment (=495 [sad]) and gave me the same interest rate but dropped my payment to $240 a month [cool][up] and I also pulled an additional $1800 just in case I get any fun ideas while rebuilding the bike haha

the guy at the bike shop said to do a chain conversion cause it really wakes the power in the bike up and gives you a lot more control of gearing but I really like the belt design and the way it rides compared to "chained bikes"...any thoughts or comments on that? anyone here do it already, if so how do you compare them?

again thanks guys for all the support and advice [up]
Im making a parts list now and will post when its do of what I want to order in case any of you have parts your willing to sell, if you see anything up there in that list (up top) let me know and if interested ill buy from you guys before anywhere else to kinda "pay back" for the help lol
Really, your bike isn't that bad, I laid mine down a lot worse than that, andI'm still riding, so are a lot of people on here.
The dent in your frame will be covered by the frame puck, wrap your pipes, sand and paint your swing arm scrapes. Buy some 5-0 dro sliders, and get your forks checked. You can slowly collect the rest of the stuff you need from
and members. You can also replace your throttle tube with a r6 stock piece, its cheaper, and improves throttle response.
[up] thanks for the advice on the throttle tube, i didnt know replacing the frame because the stops under the handle bars that keep the bars from hitting the tank and the head were smashed off when i hit the ground. other than that your right about the damage, bike shop did say that the fork is bent tho, which just gives me the go ahead to order the black ones lol
just though of something, do these bikes have a tps sensor? like one thats replaceable or is it in the ecm?
i was curious cause if there is a sensor and it went bad thet may explain my "signal loss" feeling when it cuts out from 3500-5000
well I finished ordering all my parts yesterday!! everything should be here between tomorrow and tuesday
no prob, insurance is paying for it anyway lol
heres some updated pics, im just waiting for my steering stem, fairing support, tires, 2 blinkers, and 1 peg then the bikes ready...oh yeah and the race ecm

header wraped

before and after




Ride it!

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