I'd like to hear you walk somebody through making a PB&J sandwich lol..
1. Walk into the area of your living arangement and observe your suroundings.
2. Pick a nice prep area that has ample space to create your desired creation.
3. Locate your favorite choice of bread.
4. Locate your favorite choice of Jelly. ( I prefer Smuckers Strawberry Preserves) In a pinch pancake syrup will do as well as smashed or sliced Bannana.
5. Locate your favorite Peanut butter. ( I prefer Peter Pan extra crunchy)
6. Locate any other added goodies you wish to include on your creation.
7. Locate a carying device of your choice to transport treat on when finished.
8. Locate spreading device
9. Start by opening container in which your choice of bread is located. (Heels/end slices will do in a pinch)
10. Place slices of bread on carrying device.
11. Seal bread contaner
12. Open Jelly of choice
13. Insert spreading device and retreive desired amount of Jelly
14. Spread jelly carfully on bread, be carful to not use too much force as you do not want to tear bread slice.
15. Re apply lid to jelly container.
16. Locate Peanut butter.
17. Open peanut butter Container.....DO NOT STICK FINGERS IN PB!!!
18. Insert CLEAN speading device into Peantut Butter......NOTE plastic eatting utensiles are not recomended!!!!
19. Spread Peanut Butter on second Slice of bread heeding warning noted with Jelly.
20. Replace Peanut Butter containers lid.
21. Carfully place 2 bread slices together. NOTE......Peanut Butter and Jelly Inside, But you can be creative here.
22. Place all used items back in their original starting points....EXCEPT the spreading devices! these need to be placed in a proper washing station.
23. Resist urge to eat Newly created treat standing at your prep station.
24. Carfully carry transprortation device of treat to your Favorite consuming location.
25. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!