It's not hard to fix. You'll need the cam cover gasket and a new seal for the cam itself. You will need to drill out the rivets on the timing cover and when reinstalling screw it back in. After removing the timing cover and the timing sensor there will be a screw holding on the cup like thing and pull that off, then when you remove the cover your cams don't fall out. Then pull the cover off while holding in the end of the cam that you can see. When you have the cover in hand you can knock out the old seal and put in the new one. Push it in evenly for a good seal and put a little rtv on the metal surface, put a little grease on the rubber parts so it doesn't run dry or you'll be doing this again soon. Double checking the timing in the cams to make sure nothing moved and reinstall it all in the reverse order. It's pretty easy dude, unless it's under warranty, the it's even easier.