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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2007
Question for the Canadian riders out there. My brother-in-law wants to start riding. Problem is, hes 19. How and where can you go for affordable insurance rates? He was quoted anywhere from $48K per year to just under $15K. What the hell is up with that? How is a person supposed to learn to ride a bike in Canada? Wait until they're 25? Or pony up over $1000 a month for one way insurance, on a bike thats only worth $3000 tops!!!

He has a perfect tickets, and has just taken his written motorcycle test. Any suggestions on what to do would be great....or hes gonna be waiting till he's 25[mad]
That's insane. Especially when you consider the short riding season. What's their reasoning? High medical costs due to universal health care? I don't get it?

LeFox, what is insurance like across the pond?
The cheapest i could find here in Wv (and by cheap i mean sharty) Was 120$ a month 23 with perfect driving. On a xb12. On a gsxr 750 i think mine was 130 per month.
UPDATE.....he has searched more companies and has found one for $600ish a MONTH!!!

I dont get it? How are Canadians able to afford to own bikes? Unless they're over 25? [confused]
i'm 29 and in Quebec paying 800$ a year would be 2000$ a year for an r1, zx-10...
In Ontario it's worst for insurance and if you are young then forget about it...way to pricy and some won't insure you. Statefarm is usually good, but you need you car insured their also.

I suggest he gets an enduro, under 500cc like a DRz 450. cheaper on insurance and still fun to ride.
In Ontario it's worst for insurance and if you are young then forget about it

He lives in Windsor...some insurance companies refused to even quote him a price [down] I just cant figure out how he was able to register his bike without having proof of insurance!! MAybe he should ride without bad could the fine be...$500?. He could get pulled over once a month and still be better off :p
When I bought my XB12 when I was under 25 I did a bit of a search for insurance as well, what I learned from that was that the displacement of motor has a lot to do with the cost of insurance. To my understanding anything over 1000cc is considered "high risk" which means higher insurance costs for anybody especially if you're under 25. Another thing I learned is that when you turn 25 it dosen't change all that much, I think they (the insurance company) hypes that up alittle to make you does drop a little just not a bunch. The last thing I learned was that sticking with the same insurance company goes a long way in getting you lower rates. I've been with Co-operators ever since I had my first car mostly because thats who my parents went through. When I bought my XB12 they quoted ridiculous prices as well. At first I was ok with it but then after shopping around and realizing I was going to get much the same prices everywhere, I thought to myself how stupid it was that I wasn't getting a break after my whole family and businesses have insured ALL of their vehicles through them, so I called them back and said how much I wanted to keep my business with them, at first I got the same response about displacements and stuff, but then the lady decided to call the head office one last time to see if I could get break, SURE enough, it worked, I got a 50% discount and they didn't put me in as high risk! So...ask for what you want, thats all I can say!
Oh well i would pay it... Here in the US we have to pay for health care and health insurance last year just in health insurance i paid just shy of 14,000. Not to mention the 30% of health care that i have to pay out of my pocket after i hit the 500 deductable. so i say an easy 16,000 so that more then makes up for the cost of bike insurance. with car bike and health insurane i pay out 19,000-20,000 a year and im single with no kids... USA kinda blows for the working man
with car bike and health insurane i pay out 19,000-20,000 a year and im single with no kids... USA kinda blows for the working man

I feel you man....(begin shameless plug) John McCain wants to give ALL Americans who pay their own healthcare premiums a tax credit [up] Obama (or whatever ) is for more of a socialized healthcare system (this would make a bad system worse) [down]

To my understanding anything over 1000cc is considered "high risk" which means higher insurance costs for anybody especially if you're under 25.

He's bought a 99 Ninja...600cc. Hes new to motorcycles so this is an inexpensive start for a couple years. ( he really like my Buell but I think slightly intimidated by it and couldnt afford one anyways ) He's finally negotiated his insurance down to $250 a month for one way. Im gonna ride the bike across the border next weekend for him and bring it to my house. He's only gonna ride with me, and even leave the bike at my house, a condition of his Mothers. My area will be better for him to learn as its less conjested and theres a school nearby with a HUGE parking lot:p