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its a 2005. i bought it used. stock air box and a mutilated jardine pipe was on it. guy was a "certified harley master tech" i dont know if it has been re flashed or tuned or whatever. all i did was clean it up and put a gutted xb12r stock pipe on.
Awesome, download ECMSpy for free from Buellmods.com, get you a cable (a necessity for diagnostics) from Xoptiinside.com or Fleabay, and clear the codes that way. Very easy & safe, and later you'll be able to datalog modifying you're own maps if you like.
So to bring back a thread i started a while ago, i finished my tail swap a few days ago. a few of my buddies and i were out riding today (because its freakiing beautiful out) and after we have a beer i walk out to my bike and my CEL is flashing. not just on but flashing rapidly. i tried counting how many times it was flashing but its too fast. maybe like 18 times then it stops for a second and starts again. ive seen a CEL come on and stay on but never flash rapidly without jumping leads. any ideas?
Flashing very rapidly (Alerting) is usually Extreem High Temperature! Possibly the low/OR High speed on the [fan] has burned out OR the Temp sender.Most likely the Fan! It won't work most times without low speed/it comes on briefly from low and picks up to The High speed .
Engine does have the low speed to come on while riding it is very Quite so most with the newer Modded Exhaust do not hear the low speed.
Sometimes the low speed will come on and pick up to high in 5/seconds depending on Temperature.
The Fan will always come on from low speed first.
Test the fan a small warm up at home for maybe 5/ to 8/minutes & it should make the fan come on. Testing it with the bike works all areas needed. If it does not come on shut it down and see if it runs then and see how long. Since there are so many Maps (race) most don't really study the Epromm and maps in those race ECM deals!The people selling them not all have your best interest. It is not always in the best interest of the Engine with these maps. I don't really like them due to shortcuts and some of it ends up shortening the life expectancy of our Buells.Sorry All that is just how I feel about that.!Properly individually Tuned the Buell is a little Monster waiting to wake up!
It is an 05 bike so it may need a temp sender(rear Rocker Cover)Top area.If you installed the right side Scoop Great but leave the small fan Schroud at the Fan off/ on that installation, Because it is a Ulysses kit!! the RSS- Scoop and the Exhaust(rear)shield for the Header is a great add on for for cooling while riding and the Shield in Traffic! Try not to ride the bike too much MY[Opinion]- till all is correct on the Cooling due to the rear Cylinder needs the fan it also is helping to cool the [Fuel] in the Frame!!
Also these Engines can get at 400/degrees in hot weather. The Expansion rate when the Engine is first turned off(Heads) even after a short Ride is of great importance so Cooling is Mandatory .
Especially the rear.OR you may Be finding that you are putting Jugs(Cylinder Heads)Pistons on the Bike along with rings an so on. Hopefully the fix[FAN] is easy.Ride Safe. *Jimi

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