Cheaper Levers, will they fit though?

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Jan 25, 2013
Hey guys im currently in the process of ordering new parts for my buell and i am thinking about getting some aftermarket shorter levers because im not thrilled with how long the stock ones are. I have seen the CRG levers and they are sick however im a college student and dont have $100+ dollars to spend on levers on top of what im already buying. So due to my background in motocross i couldnt help but realize that the levers seemed to be very similar to the ones on my old dirt bike and that you can get replacement levers for cheap. So i looked those up and the website wants me to either put in what dirt bike/ATV (can't put in street bike) i have to match them or select from a couple universal style levers. So i guess what I'm asking is if anyone knows if any dirt levers or universal levers will fit on my bike?
how much are they? You can get some relatively cheap shortys on ebay for like 40 I believe.
I got the ones on ebay that were $27 I believe. They even had free shipping. There were from China. They fit perfect and the gold ones match the trans amber.
the rideitmoto ones are nice, that is what I have on mine currently. Before those I bought the cheaper ebay ones, I did have to grind down the brake one a bit to keep it from acctivating the brake all the time.... but after that they worked great for the several thousand miles I used them
Out of desperartion I tried levers from my rm250 on by xb they were not even remotely close. I ordered a oem lever then cut them both off shorter. I hated the feel of the clutch lever my own fault I ended up getting a set from ebay in the longer length I like the feel length and adjustability and am happy with them I do not expect them to last forever and got the silver beause Cheap levers often have even cheaper anodizing after 5 months of use I am still very pleased and I am pretty picky about hand controls they came from
davidwick is right about the cheap anodizing. My best friend bought the same set I did for his X1 in gold color, and the sun and weather stripped the anodizing off, they are now silver.....

on the other hand my blue ones are still blue, and sitting in my closet somewhere....
My closet has all the stuff I striped off passenger stuff mirrors levers pegs and a fender eliminator diy job I keep meaning to sell a tire I am meaning to mount my wife thinks I am a hoarder
I got a set of cheap ebay levers (adjustable, extendable, foldable) for my xb9r last year. The red anodizing still looks good. Fitment is good too -- no need to make any adjustments.
you get what you paid,I have levers from 2 year ago,they looks still new..perfet fitment,easy installation. customer service is awesome... 4 days to my door..very impressived.
thanks for the help and advice guys, never knew about the ones but am definatley gunna get them when i get the extra cash. [up]:D
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they have shorty aftermarket levers that fit the buells for 40 dollars. I have them on my bike. it took me 5 minutes to install them and they work great. no issues at all.

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