check engine lamp

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
i was riding today and my amber engine lamp came on three time..? Every time that i noticed it can on i was revved around 5.5 grand to rev limiter 7.2. I even slowed down in a strait to around 30mph held the clutch in revved it to about 6 grand and the lamp came on. Oh and each time it stayed on for 5-10 seconds. I never held it at those rpms to see if it would stay on while in the higher range, i always shifted or eased up. Any ideas or should i just set up and apointment? And would the the dealer see it for free since its under warranty?
burnteyes said:
And would the the dealer see it for free since its under warranty?
depends on what it is.

got a bit more info on the bike & ride...
was it cold, warm, hot?
Its about 80 outside and i went for about a 25-30 mile ride on mixed roads. The 1st time it came on i was coming out of a turn and hit the rev limit in 2nd i would say 8-10 mins from starting.
The next time i seen it was pulling out onto a highway and hit close to 6 grand in 3rd, shifted up twice and fell in with traffic then it went away. That was around the 18 mile marker.
And then about 2 miles from the house tin a turn hit 5.5 grand in 2nd coming out of a turn it came on shifted up and let my rpms drop and it went away.
The last time was 1 mile from the house about 30mph held in the clutch and revved it to see if it would come on without a load and it did.
Sorry came on 4 times not 3 forgot about the one at the 2 miles from the house.
i got to go to work but if i get time i will try to ride it tomorrow after i wake up (night shift kills me)[sad]
Easiest thing to do first is check the battery terminals...ur sitting on them so when they come loose ur weight dislodges them...thats what happened to me anyways.
when i 1st woke up this morning checked all fluids and topping off as needed, cleaned terminals, and put new gas in it. Rode it about 3-4 miles with a little stop and go then hit a back rode and got on it a bit ran to 6 grand a few times and light didnt come on. So i came on home and put it up. only road mybe 10 miles but so far so good. But ill keep a close eye and if it does it again ill try that lefox. i just wasnt sure if a paper clip i was going to do it with was a good idea lol. but good find and thx![up]