Chin fairing brackets

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I just replied to a couple of pm's that only wanted one side. I normally wouldn't split the set, but both guys wanted opposite sides. So, with that set gone, I think I have one more set remaining. I've installed 3 sets of these personally, so they definitely work without any fitting issues.
You got the last set. Price is bumped to offset shipping from here out. Even sending them out via USPS I ended up losing $$ at the price I had set.

Since this was the last set available, I will start taking pre-orders here for the next run. I will need at least 5 committed before I have them made, so if you want a set, post up here to let me know.
Bump for anyone looking to get a set either separately or with an exhaust system. I just talked to the machinist, it will be about another 2 weeks for delivery, so if you're in the market for brackets, let me know.

I'm getting these in bare metal, so the price will be $75 with the hardware, $100 if they're coated.
If anyone wants a set of these, bare metal with no hardware, $65 + shipping. I have them in stock. This is my cost on them for smaller runs. If I sell enough of them (50+) then the price will go down.

Yes, these will fit pretty much any aftermarket pipe out there except for the ones that have the brackets built on.


In stock? Have a photo shoot coming up and wanted to install my chin fairing for it.

Friends own a corset company and they are going to use my bike for the shoot [up] I'll post pictures when I have them...
I got the revised brackets last week but I've been couch bound since mid-Friday. Today's the first day I've even felt like moving much at all. I'll go test fit them and if they're good to go, I can ship you a set.
Checked the fit a bit ago, it's good. I do not have nuts or bolts for them at this time and they're all bare metal, but if you want a set, they'll work and fit right. EricZ, thanks for the heads up on the fit issue. First time it's been mentioned and I've put several sets on myself so I don't know what changed. The machine shop made me some new ones and it's good to go now.
Thanks Dean! Just got mine in the mail (about 5 minutes ago). These look great and sturdy. Can't wait to put them on. [up]


Had to loosen the exhaust so that I could install the left hand side bracket. Bolts that hold on the kickstand are a little long.

I really like the quality of these brackets - they are not going to flex or break, heavy duty. [up]
I had a few guys ask about these again and forgot to post it, all I have now are powder coated black brackets. Still no hardware (screws/nuts) yet but I do have the brackets back now. The coating was $15/set, so $80 + shipping without the screws or nuts. The stock hardware will work, I just need to find time to go get nuts for the back side of them. I _think_ I have 3 sets left.
I will be having another batch of these made if I get enough interest. I've got 3 sets paid for already, anybody else want them? They will be powder coated only, with nuts for the back side but no screws, I'm out of them. HD usually has the shoulder torx screws available if you don't have your stock ones still.