Choking up and stalling out

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Apr 22, 2007
I have a brand new Buell XB12R. I took it in for the 1000 mile checkup a little early because I was having issues like the bike was choking itself and causing it to stall out while trying to leave lights. I would throttle it up trying to keep it from dying and it would still stall. I took it in and told thim about this issue, they looked at it and said that it was normal. They idled it up to 1100 RPm its doing it even worse now. Has anyone had this issue?? IF so what was the issue, or hell for that matter what was the resolve? This bike is brand new and I dont even have 1000 miles yet, this is not what I wanted when I bought this bike. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Chris Mace
My 12X did some similarly weird **** during the break-in period. After the first service and TPS reset it was fine.
can you ride the bike at all?
if so try this- get out on a highway or someplace you can run 3-4000 rpm constant, while going along after about 4-5 mins turn it off- coast to the side and turn the key on (dont start it)for on for 1 minute or a little more. then see if its any better.
if you cant ride it start it run it for a few mins then leave the key on for a minute- if you can drive it now try the first step.
sounds like a fuel injector mixture setting is cutting off fuel.
I talked to the HD mechanic last night when I took the bike in and he stated that he had to reset the ECM last week when it was in for the 1k mile maint. Right after the maint. I noticed that I still had slack in the throttle, and he stated that it may be in box that houses the cabling for the muffler also. ITs there and its on them now to fix it. Just didnt know if anyone else had this problem.
JUst thought that I would let everyone know that I just go the bike back from the shop today and the outcome is good. The tech told me that the timing was retarded, once he advanced it and then reset the ECM that the machine has ran fine. I drove it home from Beaumont TX, about 45 miles and it ran like a topp all the way. I am thinking that I am about to order me a Jardine for it now... any ideas as to what other exhaust might be a good match??