Clear air box covers being fabbed

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Sorry guys, I have been away from home quite a bit cause of work, but I took two weeks off and have made some good progress, decided to go another route. Updated pics will be posted shortly.



Heres what I have so far on my mold, now gotta due some fine tune cutting, and bondoing. Then I will do my first thermo vacuum form.. THen I need to figure out how I wanna do a dual air intake, wanna do something unlike the rest. But I can also make completely stock ones if theres enough people interested... kinda a process to do a seperate mold just for that.
Drogen, its alot more complicated then I ever thought it would be, took quite a bit of research and youtube videos.
After I get this thing actually done I will do a write up for anybody that wants to take this project on... Honestly its alot cheaper to buy a new one VS doing it yourself just for 1 or even a couple.
For the s. I think having the clear/colored fly screen,air box cover,seat crowl would look pretty bad ass. Having it all match? (Not my bike just did a google search for a seat cowl)
Lol yea didn't notice the no muffler. Honestly that seat cap seems like it would be doable but would you want people to see inside there? I wouldn't but that's just me, what about a mirrored cap or a color matching? Non see thru
Maybe, depends on your job title lol, and to be honest that's pretty frickin cheap for these considering a stock new one is 240$
Just bondo'ed the first layer, was still tacky an hour later, so I put a heater near it and will sand it tomorrow and throw another coat on. I am getting super excited cause I am almost ready to form my first clear one.

FYI, I am making a mold for the air box with the air screen in the front, so if anyone is interested in those, they will be the first produced. All I did was took my air grill out and am gonna get some clear drying epoxy to glue it to the air box, should be a perfect fit.


Here you can see what I am talking about.. before the bondo, that air grill was fitting almost perfectly.





Had a lil friend inspecting my work.. gonna sand his lil ass off in a couple hours.
Almost ready to do the first one, one more final sanding, then gotta go get my heat box and vacuum box from work
Well to be honest... all the work is for myself. I wanted a clear airbox for a long time, and just needed some motivation to actually figure out how to do it. Still trying to figure out how i am gonna mod a couple or more forced air vents/hoods. So if any one has any ideas.. shoot them here, been looking around the house for things that might work. Might run to the hardware store tomorrow and browse till i find something that would look good and work.
Well first attempt failed.... Had to make my own oven large enough to heat this up. Started heating it up and was getting thousands of little bubbles in teh polycarbonate.. I think thats because it was taking forever to heat up. So I made a top to my lil custom oven and then it started to get hot enough. I need to do some work to my oven, but I think the next one will come out alot better. Please be patient with me and I hope to have one done soon...

Was trying to get one done before saturday for the Buell meetup in Washington... dont think its gonna, cause I have to drive to portland tomorrow for work, and wil be staying the night there :(
You really are keeping at it. As for the scoops maybe some cut up funnels would work?