Comfort kit or Pipe wrap..?

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Well crap.

The Comfort Kit is on back order till end of Sept.

Anyone know of someone who has one in stock...or a used one they want to part with? LOL

surdyke didnt have one either. My local dealer did a search for me showing (2) dealers with them in stock...after a quick phone call tho, neither of them had one on hand. Just had orders already in the system.
I will just put my name on one when I pick up my covers next week.
I am also going to look at the pipe wrap kit he has on the shelf when I get there.

Is there any brand that works best?

Thanks again for all the info and help
Get dei titanium it's the best with no maintenance like traditional wrap. And you don't wet it to install. That's what oh9bolt has on his bike
The comfort kit has the right side duct, heat sheild which isn't much and the big thing is that the rear shock opening is covered under the seat that helps allot. I would keep the wrap and put a heat shield over that would do the most good. Big problem I have now is when I have a wind from the left side that it blows all that engine heat to your right leg. But when your talking those temps it's really hot. I also sealed up around the air box cover any holes that would let hot air out by the seat and my leg. I've also gone to wearing some cheap chaps now too which helps. Good luck.
Jet-hot is a name brand, it's just a ceramic coat. You'll pay extra for the name. You can get a real nice interior and exterior ceramic coat for right around $150 - $200.

From what I've heard ceramic coating doesn't block as much heat as the wrap, but it is better for your pipes.

I've got both a wrap and a right side scoop ($35 at

I've had several items Jet-Hot coated for my cars, and I've also used a few cheaper ceramic coating companies, and none are even close Jet-Hot quality that I have used. I would say that Jet-Hot Sterling coating would be less than $200 for our headers, there isn't much there to coat. If I remember correctly, Jet-Hot is also warrantied for the life of the parts.

I was just curious if anyone had used Jet-Hot on their bike before and if they had good results. I ran the RSS on my bike, and would recommend it for everyone, huge benefit. My 2005 almost never had the fan come on after the scoop was added.

I got the dei wrap put on today... haven't put enough miles on it yet to tell anythingi
But I must say, I do like the look.

I went with the darker "carbon fiber" look. LoL