The day certainly started out well! Woke and packed early for once, had a fabulous breakfast in Salmon where I was pleasantly served by a young lady in a one-piece lion(?) outfit complete with full animal make-up and fuzzy slippers with claws. It was supposed to represent one of the 4 phases of the eclipse. Because that makes it so normal. Bought a cool trinket of jewelry, made by hand, by a lady there from a piece of turquoise and an Elks tooth that she had killed herself (obviously). I got to follow the amazing Salmon river south and the cliffs and cool water did not disappoint.
IMG_1284 by
Cooter!, on Flickr
I couldn't help but to stop for pics. Theres MILES of this:
IMG_1285 by
Cooter!, on Flickr
First gas stop in Challis Hot Springs, ID and as I'm coasting into the station my trusty steed tells me "click, clank, BANG... clank".
Shoot. Darn, aww shucks.
I said none of that. I cussed well, loudly, and repeatedly. My first thought was catastrophic final drive trans stuff, and quickly diagnosed as a front wheel bearing had grenaded. I then remembered the last 120 miles of fast (very fast) sweeping curves, with no guardrail, no run-off, and no people. Sigh.
At least I'm in Challis, and thankfully the town has grown from 909 people in the 2000 census to well over 1,081. Wheel bearings for a 18 year old Buell should be a cinch! Turns out they aren't! Aww SHHHHUCKS. The populace of Challis are very nice, smart, and super helpful, to no avail.
I do find the bearings at a Napa. One is in Rexburg 167 miles east, the other is also at a Napa, but in Idaho Falls about 150 miles south east.
Took a bit of mental prep and I saddle my steed once more for a white knuckle cruise down the skinny emergency 'lane' at 30mph. If these can hold on juuuuust long enough. And they don't.