I went on a Poker Run on Sunday,it was a benefit run for The Northbay Childerens Diabetes Foundation,a good cause,my father has Diabetes.There were only two Buells there,a 08 xb12r and me,the rest were Harleys.What piss pour attitudes I came accross and had to deal with.Eyes rolling and the why did you bring that question.While riding on the twisties going to the second poker card location I could not take anymore of the attitudes, so to me it was a track day and it was on.If I rolled up on you and showed you my front tire twice and you diddn't move,I took you on the inside.I shoved my front rim up every Harley tailpipe I could and shifted out of 1st and 2nd in 4000 plus rpm's causing some good power wheelies coming out of the turns.I went home as soon as I came accross a freeway on ramp.Ya,maybe not how I schould have delt with it,but fu@k em!