CR Muffler Swap?

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2011
Hey guys,

I have an FMF Apex muffler on my Cr that I might be interested in trading for a black HMF pipe or D&D pipe, but nothing else. I like the FMF, but I think the HMF is a little more "helicopter" sounding and the D&D is outright louder...and I like loud :D Let me know if you're interested any maybe we can swap our pipes out!
Also might be interested in selling my FMF slip on. I'm really considering the HMF exhaust.
i know someone who had an hmf, he sold it and bought one of these off me
I think I've seen that setup, albert, on another forum. Might have been buelletinboard. Looks like a good pipe, but I'm still pretty well set on the HMF if at all possible :D
I just got the bike in on Tuesday and rode it for the 1st time; WOW! What an incredible machine! The power at the slightest twist of the throttle is more than I'll ever need. I had not heard an FMF pipe in person before and youtube doesn't do them justice. It sounds great! Makes heads turn, that's for sure. I'm still pretty interested in the HMF though, so let me know if you'd like to trade your HMF for my FMF.