Creamsicle Buell Build

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When I bought the somewhat neglected bike, I knew what I was going to do with it. When I put the new plastics on, I originally planned to put amber BUELL logos on the air box cover, but then decided I wanted something even more different than a white and amber Buell. I've been rooting for EBR in the the AMA Superbike series, so figured I'd support the team by using the EBR decals. Besides, we all know it's a Buell and the timing cover still says BUELL. Plus, most people don't have a clue what a Buell is let alone an EBR ;). It's pretty funny watching people try to figure out WTH it is. I've had some folks ask if it is one of those one-off bikes from the old Biker Build-off series... :p Plus, they're only decals, they're cheap, and they come off much easier than the BUELL decals if I ever decide to change it up a bit.
BTW, where did you get those frame protector pads? They look great, and I'd like to get some for my 12R. Cover up the slightly bloomed paint from where my knees have rubbed on the frame.
They're available from a few places including American sport bike. They're called Gripster pads by techspec. They come in several textures.
What seat is that exactly? Ill proabably be wanting to change my stock one out pretty soon.. yours looks nice.
I think the ebr stickers are a good way to support eric. I wonder if they have translucent amber to lay on my black abc.
Nope,they're simple vinyl and come in black and white.

The seat is a Corbin.
They're called Gripster pads by techspec. They come in several textures.
Thanks for the info. I think I've found a place up here in Canada that distributes TechSpec products. Are yours the Snake Skin grips?
Nice job bro!!! Yes, CGO is my brother and he has that creative talent for building badass bikes and cars. Ask to see his 65 Chevelle sometime. I'm gettin my neglected Uly sorted out and 'personalized'. I can't believe I waited this long to get a Buell.
Hahaha, two-bueller family[up]. Yeah, I should stick to bikes though. Id lose my arse less...:p anyway, good luck with the Uly! I'm sure you'll love riding it and working on it. I think I'm done with Creamsicle for a while. Less is more...
CGO- come on I know how you are, you will continue to do more to the bike, your like I am and cant leave anything alone for to long.

Welcome to the Board WD40oz
You're probably right, but I'm not sure what else I would want to do... 5-0 Dro pulley covers and case sliders maybe, but remember, I still have a 65 Chev. to finish... argh

How's your knee, you able to ride yet?
My surgery is 9 August. I am pretty sure I have messed it up even more, just doing day to day stuff. So riding right now is not even an option. Im hoping I can ride by September 1. I have picked up a few more things for the bike a valencia orange aribox cover and a fiberglass sharkfin airbox cover. Just found out that my brother in law is doing the water transparent coatings so gonna send it out to get done. Have you even done anything with the 65 recently?
Nope. Waiting on engine......... and it's too hot to work out in the garage. It's sitting in the garage under a cover.
Some updates: Pulled the plugs to read them. Was running a little lean so today I installed a pre-programmed ECM from EBR and reset the TPS with ECM Spy and a Spy cable. Runs great and nearly all of the deceleration popping commonly attributed to the Special OPS pipe is gone. Throttle response is much better and it pulls harder from the middle up to redline.

Also, its amazing what a little paint can do... I used some plastic paint on the pulley cover, some ceramic, self primering paint on the shifter linkage pivot arm, and ta da! Looks fresher. Don't mind the drips on the frame and muffler. That's leftover from some spray wax I used on the airbox cover that I forgot to wipe off.

Not too shabby for my daily rider.



Looks, good. I need to replace my spark plugs as well! I am gonna have to get up with you on the ECM Spy reset.

I still notice the HD sticker on the pulley cover!!!!:D
Ha, yeah I tried to take it off but it wasn't cooperating. Instead of making a mess of the cover I just taped it off and painted.

Your bike is a 2010 so you don't need ecm spy! Your tps reset procedure is simple!

Here's a tip for changing the plugs. Cut the very end of the boots off. About 3/16 of an inch. They still have plenty enough to insulate but it makes getting them back on much easier! You've got to feel the click! It was a major pain without trimming the boots.

Lemme know if you need help or want to use the ecm spy. If you're only resetting the tps you don't need it for 2008 or newer.