Ive decided to get a 1125r. It looks like the 08 is the better choice, no? Are there any common issues with the 08'S? I definately want to avoid the stator issue thats why I am thinking the 08 is the way to go unless it has pitfalls as well?
Ok I dont have a 1125r now. I had a handshake deal with the guy yesterday,who happens to be a veteran and a doctor, and he sold the bike out from underneath me 1 hour and 15 minutes before I was supposed to meet him with the cash. Could you imagine having a guy like this watching your back in Iraq? Could you imagine having to take his word as your physician? Hes probably bilking his patients for thousand and insurance companies for tens of thousands. This is the type of professionals we have in place in this country now. This is what men are risking their lives for, to protect. People like this are snivelling little spineless rats that deserve to be treated as such. Hopefully karma will take care of this scum.
Ok I dont have a 1125r now. I had a handshake deal with the guy yesterday,who happens to be a veteran and a doctor, and he sold the bike out from underneath me 1 hour and 15 minutes before I was supposed to meet him with the cash. Could you imagine having a guy like this watching your back in Iraq? Could you imagine having to take his word as your physician? Hes probably bilking his patients for thousand and insurance companies for tens of thousands. This is the type of professionals we have in place in this country now. This is what men are risking their lives for, to protect. People like this are snivelling little spineless rats that deserve to be treated as such. Hopefully karma will take care of this scum.
Take it down a notch man .. this guy put his life on the line for your country and heals people for a living.
And you got butthurt cuz' he didn't wait for you to come and buy his bike. Says a lot about you.
Can't believe I'm reading this right now
Usually you Americans are all about respect for veterans. Most don't care what you did in the military only that you served. And now this douche is saying he wants to sue a veteran for not selling him a motorcycle
Good stuff