Custom Acrylic Parts

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2009
Hi Guys -
Been doing some custom acrylic parts... just wondering if anyone would be interested in having some done? Did some Logos for the cover that have standoffs on them that make them look 3D on top of the cover (I'm planning on using Orange Acrylic on my final pair for myself) I can do them in a lot of different colors or custom logos. I also do them for inside the airbox like the HD one. Each set is Laser cut and engraved.
Shoot me an email if interested: [email protected]




Polkiejoe I really like the idea[up]

now I just need some ideas for some custom work

You got any more examples?
^^^ I was going to post to that effect last night but just didnt have the heart to do it (didnt want to hurt the guys feelings you know)

However in light of the recent event of Harley completely pooping on Buell maybe Polkie will have some motivation to design some badass grafics for that location.
Whaddya think polkie???
HaHa, six months ago it would have been just tits, now the mention of the word Harley Davidson is almost sacrelig. We are a bunch of loyalists arent we?
Yup if I had a clear cover i would be up for an Anti-Harley filter top, just a simple circle with a slash through it with a Harley symbol uner it.
Eh.. even if its anti-harley, you are still giving attention to the harley brand. The complete lack of harley is probably more effective. Cut the ties and let Buell be its own. :)

Nice work polkiejoe!!
I think I'm going to get some black hoodies made up also. My friends Dad has screen printing buisness.
I WILL TAKE ONE OF THOSE SONS OF BUELL ONES!!!! those look sick and i love that show...if you are going to make some or even if u are gunna make one...please email me [email protected]