Custom GPS/Phone Mount

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Shinning what gps do you have? I could make a pan for it but if it accepts the ball mount on the back you could do the same set up that ct1200 is going to do with the ram mount? Up to you, they also might offer a mount for your phone. Either way let me know, I can do either.
Same for you Rduncan.
RAM ball mounts would be most universal. boxes are a cool and neat idea.

don't forget that the 1125's 47mm forks are further apart center-to-center, so you might need to cut one longer/bigger to fit.

but your first order of biusness should be those belt guards! lolz
Shinning what gps do you have? I could make a pan for it but if it accepts the ball mount on the back you could do the same set up that ct1200 is going to do with the ram mount?
GARMIN nüvi 265WT. I just ordered it the other day. Don't have it yet. If it does accept the ball mount, that would work for me. I'd probably use the gps more than the phone anyways.
I believe most of the actual garmin holders are 17mm or 11/16".
And the RAM mounts are 1".
Nothing would ever be that easy.
But the Ram cradle does hold on to the GPS much better.
Still not waterproof, but they have the aquaboxes that are.
Nilla your behind I posted up new pics last night lol check it out.

And yes good point I could make a model for the 1125.

As far as the ram mount I would rather go that way. I'd just sell the base plate and the buyer can buy the appropriate ram mount for his/her device. For me to make a custom pan for every gps, phone, mp3 is only going to jack the price up and make for longer turn around times.
I was thinkin the same thing. I'm in for the base plate, no holes. And a belt guard when you get round to those lol [up]
Well here is what I have decided on based on others input.

I am thinking $50 shipped for just the base plate with no holes and no threads, that way the customer could drill and tap to where ever they want their devices mounted. It will be $60 shipped if you have me make the holes and thread them to what ever threads you need.
The customer can then buy whatever Ram attachments they would like, or make something on their own. It would be nearly impossible for me to make a custom pan for every phone/gps/mp3/or anything else you might want.

How ever, If you desperately want a custom pan for your phone/ect, I can make them per request but plan on paying more.

I feel this is a fair price considering 50-dro's sliders are $90 and your getting even less material and IMO are easier to make. Material is not cheap. Not bashing 50-dro at all just my opinion :) I love his product

So if you feel this price is outrageous please speak up. [up]

Also I just got some measurements for the 1125's so those will be coming soon as well.

Please PM me if you are ordering. Thank you.

And a belt guard when you get round to those lol

I would have those done already had my buddy not taken his bike to school lol, I just need to test fit. I believe he comes home in about a week.
A few Suggestions.
- Gel comfort shoe insoles cut and used to line the bottom of the box will cut down a lot of vibrations and provide a tacky surface. Its the same find they use for those dashboard sticky pads sold at car washes and auto parts places.
-Also, They sell rubber gasket mats in the plumbing section of home depot that can be custom cut to fit your application if you want to keep the rain out. Just the same, a drainage hole or outlet by the speaker my be a consideration too.
I'm just givin ya grief about the belt guards man!

I'll be getting a plate from you soon [up]
haha i knoww. :D

ct1200 is the first one to try out the plate. I just finished his up now and it will get shipped out in the morning.

Also the 1125 plates are ready to go if anybody is going to order one.
Duh..I'm out. I should have noticed "Buell Firebolt XB12, XB9" part of forum this was posted in. Not going to work for me on my Lightning. Sorry for the brain-fart!
Duh..I'm out. I should have noticed "Buell Firebolt XB12, XB9" part of forum this was posted in. Not going to work for me on my Lightning. Sorry for the brain-fart!

Tell you what, if you can get a hold of a calipers and get me a diameter on your forks and give me the distance between them you got one coming your way. ;)

any idea what the plexi cover is going to look like? this thread is relevant to my interests.

I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to do that yet. I have one cut just need a way to attach it. I'm brainstorming :D
So I scrapped the idea with the plexiglass cover. I rode around a few times without a cover and realized it was nice to be able to make any needed navigation changes while riding. Since it is a touch screen plexiglass wouldn't allow that. Now before you well at me for texting and riding, I don't do that. Just sometimes you need a click a button or two or even at a red light make some changes with the gps. So I came up with this idea. It holds the phone in and still allows for quick changes if needed. Since I don't really ride in the rain either I didn't care if it was water proof.

All it needs now is a good sandblasting and some paint. Oh and a latch! For now a rubber band works.


how about that thin clear plastic material, you know like the stuff that bed sheets come in. You could still work the gps and it would be weather proof
Maas, so I guess us 1125CR guys are just stuck out in the cold, left for the coyotes to get?!?!? Just kidding man! Looks good[up]
Haha no way, if I could get my hands on a CR I make one to work for those too. In fact I already have an idea that would work if you like the ram mounts. I'm not going to make a custom pan for everybody
Ok, I was finally able to get some pics uploaded...
I know I'm a little late, its riding season...

Ok so here it goes...
A pic of the stock tree, u can see my single RAM mount on the left, thats gone now

And a pic of the Phone/GPS plate installed with 2 RAM mounts, I used blue loctite to keep everything secure

Nice and easy and simple, tighten to allen bolts

Config #1 GPS and Phone

Config #2 GPS and CB- I know who uses a CB anymore
But to hold the CB I'm using the RAM Multi Cradel

And Config #3 GPS and Cam
This is basically a tripod base so any cam that can mount to a tripod is good to go.

Great for taking ride videos, I know not a GoPro, someday

And thats all I have for now.
Everything is nice and steady.
Easy to swap around and in easy reach for use.
Or easy to remove for stealth clean look.