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Haha dean I often ask myself mm should I call my exhaust custom? I mean it is made in this guys garage but he also is now established and a lot of people have his exhaust. Buuut it is ceramic coated. Well he did take my heat shield off too. I mean no one has that or this color ceramic on their 1125. Hahaha. But I do call my bike custom. I think it's safe to say. But I totally agree with you guys. Lack of detail (hacked up put back together). Bolt on ****. Thrown together crap. Cheapest parts everywhere. Isn't custom.
From a previous thread. If this isn't custom then I don't know what is. I am still jealous

That's more of a "rad rod" IMO. Custom just doesn't seem the right word to described this one lol.
It's meant to mean something someone has added or changed to make it their own

a lot of builds are using commercial parts that are assembled to a personal taste there for 'custom' in reference to that specific combination.

since the whoredom of use of the word custom, what I like to use is 'hand fabricated' . This implies not only a custom part, but a process of work that is required to make the part and hand fabricated doesn't mean that a machine, bender, metalworking, etc., etc. wasn't used, but that a program running a metalworking machine for mass production wasn't used. Engineered (even if it's a hillbilly with a slide rule like me :D ) means that it was well thought out and mathematically verified before fabrication.

Well I'm sure that there is those who will disagree with me, so let the butt hurt flow.
i say let the butt hurt folks be butt hurt!! dont like the "custom" that someones bike is??? GET OVER IT PEOPLE!!!

ive seen bikes (and cars/trucks/etc) that are truely, honestly, 100% "custom"... hand made frame, rebuilt or crate motor, hand rolled and welded fenders and tanks,CNC milled rims... hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars of work and IT STILL LOOKS LIKE A POLISHED PILE OF DOG ****!!

"CUSTOM" is whatever it means to you..the individual.. until you find a way to buy every dictionary company and start a police control state where people 'go away to camp' for using the word against your liking.. it would probably do your blood pressure a good thing to let it go. :D
I think the biggest part that is missing out of this discussion is that there is a HUGE difference between the words...


AKA I customized my buell to my preference or I built hand made custom parts for my buell.

[confused] Mind Blown!
Call your own what ever you want, my issue is with people using the word to advertise or sell their bike, car whatever.

Ive no issue with "Build threads" but stickers and a double bubble dont make it a self built, or unique piece. That ***** for people who want attention, not those who enjoy being creative.
Custom can be a piece made by a certain someone and used by another, just because many people use it does not mean its not custom, its just not made custom by that person or for that person.
I guess whoever buys anything from people that make buell parts from this site whether its a cnc part or hand made isn't custom because they themselves did not make it?
I do agree the term is used very loosly and people use it to promote whatever they have, this is where people who actually build and fab up parts from plain stock steel, aluminum, or whatever the material is will get annoyed at the term "custom", and the people who can't (whether or not they are able to or don't have the knowledge to) will use it for any add on piece to there ride and think noting of it.
How about my triple trees?
