Data logging using latest ver of MLV and ECMSpy..

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Jul 14, 2007
Been 10 yrs since I last ventured into this-much to re-learn. Will have 2 WB sensors in place before long and hopefully will be able to create some useful maps for a stock 08 XB9SX. Like the quietness of the stock exhaust..ha. Have heard that pins #1 and 33 on the ecm connector can be used to input the WB signal for data logging. Anyone with any experience doing this?? Thanks!
Thats great! Notice that there are some small white plastic plugs in the openings at pins 1 and 33. Just install some connectors in those openings and wire them into the 2 outputs coming from the FAST air/fuel meter? Now trying to get familiar with this new ver of MLV.
Any idea where those pin connectors can be found? Trying to remember if I inputted the WB signal (0-5V) or the NB simulated output (0-1V?) going into the ecm?thanks!!
OK..found a source for the pins..even come with wire pigtails. So, before(10yrs ago..) I had to cut the stock nb sensor wire and run the wb controller signal thru that wire in to the ecm to create a log file. Then ran the log file thru Megalogviewer with target afr maps. The same can be done by just connecting the controller output(s) to pins 1 and 33 on the ecm? Can both cyl be done simultaneously?
So, pins 1 and 33 are AFR analog input sites-DDFI-3..2008 according to EcmSpy manual. New ver of ECMSpy has options for use of 2 wideband sensors? Does this mean that you should be able to log WB sensor data(0-5V typically) from both cylinders at the same time? Would sure make things easier and faster...

Found another source for what I think is needed:
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Will know soon enough. Hope the 08 ECM is compatible like the 07 was with the FAST dual WB meter/controller. On the ECMSpy site, it has just 2 that will work? Innovate LC-1 and a PLX something? Got to believe any would work?????
AZ is running the PLX unit right now and DDFI3 ECM, not sure if he is running single or dual WB's though. Compatibility I believe it comes down to the WB operating voltage and output voltage to ECM to work in place of stock NB. I don't think "just recording" the WB values is much, if any of an issue for the ECM. Let us know how it all goes down my friend!
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Noticed that pins 31 & 32 are for front and rear O2 sensor input on the DDFI-3 ecms. 2010? was the only year for the XBs to have both F&R, but are the ecms (2008-BUE2D) configured to run 2 sensors?
The actual box is the same for all DDFI3 ECM's(I'm sure you know this) BUE0D is the only firmware that isn't capable of using the front O2 dynamically. Have a look at this post by Cole, it may help you activate the use of the front sensor (looks like you can activate it inside ECMDroid).


Yep its in ECMDroid under "ECM Parameters", "02 setup", "Closed loop configuration", check "enable independent front CL" and check "log front EGO & fuel data"

That should get you all set up!
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Dang, thanks for the thread link lowkey. How did I ever miss that Hopefully, will be getting the 2 bungs for the widebands installed tomorrow. Will use the old FAST dual WB meter controller along with the latest MLV and ECMSpy programs.
Having issues with old playing nicely with ECMSpy Mono, but just watching the gauge, they are fairly close. They aren't perfect, but front to rear isn't too far off.