Day 2 and probelms already :(

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I won't be able to do anything more until I get my ECM cable. I'm real busy this week and it's raining all week, so I'm not missing it too much. I hope I can diagnose and resolve once I can connect ECMspy.

However I've no explanation as to why it would run fine for a while and then after a hot restart begin running so rich as to foul the plugs.

i also suggested this in your other thread, but check how tight the battery connections are, and also check to see that the two main ground leads, torx-screwed into the frame on both sides near the battery, are good'n'tight. W/o your ecmspy setup, you can't get specific info on each of the trouble codes, but if you have so many, it could be something simple like a bad ground connection, or maybe the battery connections came loose. Easy, fast check to do.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've checked everything mentioned.
It's really strange. Basically it starts and runs ok when cold, but as soon as it warms up it fouls plugs. Within 5 or 10 min of running. It's as if it never comes off the enrichment circuit when it gets warm. Check engine light doesn't come on until it's warm and starts missing. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a temp sensor that's bad, but I don't understand the fuel injection enough to know if that would cause it. I'm probably going to have to take it to the dealer, which really pisses me off. I've not taken a bike to a dealer in over 20 years. I've alwasys been able to fix my own bikes and thats one of the things I enjoy about motorcycles. If this were a carb'ed bike I'd have been back on the road long ago.
Just came back to the forum getting ready for spring to be here. Yes I found out what was wrong.
After 3 weeks at the dealer. I attempted to pick up the bike 3 times each time they thought it was fixed. NOT. I also spent a few hours in the back with two techs trying to figure it out. Here's what it was.
Micro breaks in the TPS wires.
Break in the harness for the TPS.
Break in the main harness
Grounding of the main harness on a head bolt.
This was causing all kinds of intermitant codes and lots of running issues.

This thing had 700 miles on it. The tech replaced all wires, shirnk wrapped and then covered them in plasitc cable covers. He NEVER wants to see this bike again. I can't believe all this happend in less than 1k miles. This motor shakes in the frame and any wires touching will rub.
Wow, it seems the XB's are touchy animals with quite a few hiccups. Do you think the 1125's were the answer for that?
I also have a new cg with almost the same problems as jes my seems to be running ok not great. How did the tech discover the micro breaks in the wires?
1125s were not an answer for XBs, they are the answer for the desired liquid-cooled v-twin in the Buell line

I don't know why you guys have such bad fouling of plugs, in 2 years and 15k+ miles I've never had a problem and I've done short runs a number of times

the thing you should be more concerned about specifically with the older XBs (03-06 I think)is that when the bike is cold the oil builds a lot of pressure around the pump while it's warming up

if the wires got torn up like that, I assume it was a routing mistake at factory and slipped through; I haven't heard of a lot of XBs that have wires get messed up like in JES' case
Jeez I have an 04 with 25k miles on it, and the thing runs like a champ. I've been doing some mods over the winter, since I just bought it last fall used, but it's taken to them just fine. I dunno what I would do if I had these kinds of problems. Hope everything works out for you man.
NO OFFENSE anyone ... but,
I have always wondered why people think its ok start up an engine and then kill it before it has time to really warm up to optimum operating temp, and before the oil has a chance to fully circulate. that is the hardest part of a normal daily use engines' day is start up when most all of the oil is drained to oil pan or reservoir (dry sump). imagine you starting hard work right out of bed before you eat anything. only way to prevent this the running of a circulating type oilpump like on SOME aircraft and race vehicles turn on the the pump for a few+ seconds before you start the engine to pre oil certain areas inside the engine.

like ROJO said;

I like to let people hear my bike when I take off. You don't need to hear them say "man that is cool!!", you know they will

that my opinion too.

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