Iowa's driving offenses are kinda screwy... I'm originally from iowa, now live in nebraska, i lost my IOWA licsense for 6 months for speeding 56 in a 35 and "illegal speed contest" which was a crime i commited in lincoln, NE, When i arrived to court i found out they had made an error on court dates and had to squeeze mine in, so the county attorney offered me a plea bargain to make things faster, plead guilty to one charge and they'll drop the other. I pled guilty to "illegal speed contest" bcuz (as the county attorney told me) in nebraska its only one point on ur licsense and it should be the same in Iowa since they are "CO-Enforcement States". WRONG! in Iowa its a serious misdemeanor, just as bad as possessing a couple grams of meth. So i had to pay a $250 fine in Nebraska, and a $200 fine in Iowa and lose my licsense. So my suggestion is, if u do fight it, get a lawyer so u dont get screwed like I did.