DDFI 3 Factory tps hard reset procedure

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The TPS sensor on this '09 in not spring loaded.

Stimmt, mein Fehler, der TPS für DDFI-3 arbeitet form-, nicht kraftschlüssig. Ein Grund mehr, warum ein TPS hardware resest Unsinn ist.

the cam is at the WOT stop it tracks correctly to 85 degrees and 255 TPS.

85° stehen im EEPROM als Öffnungswinkel, deswegen wird das so gezeigt.

the TPS reset procedure would set the idle (degree AND 8-bit value) at a set starting point

TPS ändert sich in Abhängigkeit von IAC.
ich, is it safe to assume that because the ECM thinks the next event is startup that the shown 8bit/load value i am seeing is normal and while running at idle after startup the idle will rest in the 15 TPS area of the map like it did the last time it was running?

The IAC is setup to use the setpoint table.

The main reason I took the TB off was to clean the IAC thoroughly. The idle has been unstable since I bought the bike. Not radical but not as stable as my '06
The main thing I am wanting to come to an understanding about is why at idle position with a noted low TPS degree of 2.3 do I have a relatively high TPS 8bit value of no lower than 19? When previously running it would idle at 15 and have a degree value from 3.8-4.2.

Currently 2.3=19 , 2.8=20 , 3.1=21 , 3.3=22 , 3.8=23 , 4.0=24 , 4.5=25 ect.

My main concern is that the current low TPS values do not match up with the previous fuel maps.
See my thread: Lowest Load value doesn't seem low enough
I would like to know what the original factory procedure was/is if anyone knows. I'm not looking for the typical user "twist 3 times" reset. I need to understand the zeroing and calibration that was used with an '08+ TPS with the epoxied set screw.
I can take a guess...
1. ECMs are loaded with a default EEPROM image, which has a default value for the TPS reset voltage parameter
2. On the mfg line, each throttle grip is twisted a few times to ensure proper operation
3. A "reset TPS" command is sent to the ECM (this works on DDFI-3 contrary to popular belief), along with other verifications done over the DLC.

It is possible that the "twist three times" method is used for step 2/3, but I have doubts. Mfg line operations are usually as automated as possible to reduce human error. It is also possible that no special action is done on the mfg line since the calibration is automatic.
Thanks for the info ReadyXB. I kinda read the other post at work. I'll need to put some time into that tomorrow.

Currently the bike is reassembled and running. Not so well though, as I anticipated the load value is reading high on the map. I watched it for a min on the load-rpm-ego history table and at 1000 rpm the tps was at 21. The way it is running It does feel like it is also running that part of the fuel map. Way too much fuel off idle and at idle. Also no engine braking even at high rpm.

Tomorrow I'll be looking deep into the IAC parameters as well as the tp to load tables

OK, 'splain this to me...

in TunerPro rt v5 BUEZD_V5.xdf in the scalars section of the parameter tree there is a listing for "Throttle Position Sensor Reset Voltage"!!!

The description says "TPS voltage with a fully closed throttle, written on a TPS reset"!!!

My bike is currently set to 0.160 volts

So, it would be easy to check the resting (not running) voltage and the idling voltage to see if there is a difference between the two and a difference to the value set in tunerpro. I will do this in a few.

Would the best approach be to change the value set in TunerPro to match the bike, or to figure out how to send an as yet thought to be impossible TPS reset comand?
I, personally, vote for the latter just because of the odds. The technical aspect of figuring it out rates high as well.


Just what I thought

No, I said I would shut up now. There are more than enough experts on TunerPro and DDFI-3 this forum to help you achieve what you want. I am still learning the TP software, but have been writing process control software for industrial applications for 20 years. Doesn't matter if it's an engine, 6 axis of servo, robots, or a microwave. Same principal, different end use.
That's cool Mr. L. Short lil' comments can be misinterpreted. I'm thinking there are not so many experts on this topic and the ones that were have faded... :(