Deleware county police officer shot SEVEN times!!!!!!

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Jun 7, 2015
New Jersey
Is anyone going to ride their Buells to Delaware county today to burn the town, rob stores, shoot at drug dealers? A Delaware county officer was shot SEVEN times in the line of duty by a convicted felon drug dealer!!!!!! I was just curious if anyone was heading out.......UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
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My fault, sorry for the alarm. Don't fire up your bikes. These actions are only needed if a cop shoots a convicted felon drug dealer......hopefully a cop will shoot a convicted felon today then we can go tear **** up!!!!!
I totally understand what your point is and understand how screwed up some people's reaction is to an officer defending himself in the line of duty. However, that being said I do not understand the need to point out his religion. I personally don't care about his religion, gender, sexual preferences, or race. The bottom line is he was a convicted felon who delt drugs and was in possession of s firearm that he shouldn't have been.
You mean it doesn't matter if it was a middle eastern, Muslim, transgender, with a flare for wedding movies, and short walks on the beach covered in pipe bombs under the full moon while taking the acid trip of his or her post pubescent life with a dead cat on his or her shoulder? O yeah almost forgot the most important part with an " assault rifle"!
The point I was trying to make guys's ok if a cop gets shot by a convicted felon, no riots, no rapes, no looting, burning of the town etc. Only six and a half hours news coverage. But God forbid an officer of the law does his job and a scumbag convicted felon who is selling drugs, on parole after serving fifteen yrs gets shot by a cop.......all hell breaks loose, news coverage for months. Whole town destroyed. Shooters name that shot the officer in Delaware county was Abdul Wahi!!!!!!
I just chalk it up to ignorant people! Media will feed you what they want you to see.... If people believe it or can't see past it that's on them.
Something bad happens to the neighbor on my right, so let's destroy the rest of the neighborhood?
People who do this are idiots.

I am not a fan of any religion. I don't need some organization to tell me how to live my life, or ask for help from something or some being that may or may not exist. I prefer to take responsibility for myself and my actions. If I don't like something, I have 3 choices
Accept it
Ignore it
Change it

I also find it funny how many "religious" people I see who talk a good game, but violate all the "tenants" they preach. Seems like the biggest religion is the Church of Hypocrisy
as a friend and in support of wally on this.....i'm reasonably certain i'm the only active duty/retired State Police detective on this forum. having said that i have a unique perspective on what makes a municipality tick and what it is like to do real police work. these are indeed sad times for both our country in general and police departments specifically. the police across america right now feel they are under siege, the collective targets of rebel-rousers and homicidal maniacs, and also feel betrayed and hated. that is a horrible way to feel about ones' profession and still try to perform what is arguably the most dangerous and difficult job in the world. a decade ago the police in most all municipalities took great pride in doing pro-active work. now that is all gone and everyone suffers miserably. how did this come to be? two simple reasons: electronic audio/video taping of every police action by whomever chooses to do it....and obamas' white house beer-garden-fest after his debacle of the H.L.Gates search warrant.
It's really a shame that this country now a days is all for the criminal and illegal . WTF! When are people going to wake the hell up. People don't believe in doing a honest days work it's all about the (get)+(want). Sad times.
Been in and out of law enforcement for a while. I am sure John would agree (was wondering when you would chime in :)
The men and women that choose this profession know what they are getting into, but a thank you sometimes and a little respect goes a long way. It is a necessary evil to do the job to begin with, and we know that. We do it trying to make it a better place for not only our children and families, but yours too. There is no 'line around the block' to qualify to do the job. The world has changed a whole lot in the past 50 years, and not for the better. The range of criminal activity has changed, and so has dealing with it. A LOT OF POLITICS AND LIABILITIES is involved since the terrorism issue started. The taking of any life is a bad day. Different religions, sexual orientation, and political agenda's. The difference for me is that that man was willing to put himself in harms way to protect the sheep. I will say a prayer (to the powers that be for me) for him and his family. As a veteran, I respect the sacrifices that they and their families endure for the freedoms that we have as Americans.
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Just for one minute imagine if the officer would have had a chance to fire and shot this guy. A guy who served fifteen years and was on parole, a guy who hasn't reported to his PO since last July. The town would've went crazy....omg the police shot this poor guy, burned everything, rioted, looted, etc. And the outcome from his lawyers and family would be this........sue the parole board and state for not doing their job because if they did he would be safe in prison and wouldn't have gotten shot by the police, followed up by a huge cash settlement at the expense of the taxpayers. Hopes for a speedy recovery to the officer who was PROUDLY protecting his community.

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