Central Texas Hellbullies
Let me say this again.
We control our fate and our destiny.
Ask yourself what you want our Buell comminity to be.
Do you want a Buell in every driveway & garage?
Do you want to be exclusive? Rare?
You can have what you want.
It can be as you choose.
I agree that there are too few of us in most places.
Those places are served a certain amount of apathy
from the vendor who serves us.
Despite Centeral Texas' fortune to have 2 great dealers,
we suffer the same syndrome.
But, we chose to be Buellers and all that comes with it.
There are those who believe that what's worth having is worth working for.
I myself have always encouraged people to be Buellers.
To become Buellers.
I encourage all to join our group.
Hell! Make your own group.
Be seen. Be respected.
We are what we choose to be.
It starts when we stop whining and do something.
Can we buy out Harely Davidson?
Well, all things ARE possible.
Likely? Probably not.
Do we want to do something that radical?
Does Erik want us to do something like that?
It is HIS company after all.
Harley Davidson was the ends to an means (or visa vers).
An ends- he has reached quite triumphantly I might add,
that he reached only by HD's means.
HD opened a set of doors that became our XB.
Our modern Buell. Change is fluid.
Who know's what tomorrow will bring...
Black sheep. That's what we are.
The unloved cousins of all them Harley fuckers out there.
I don't know that I want that to ever change.
There are bikes out there that outperform mine hands down.
No matter the category, there's a bike that can top me.
A bunch of cloned high-revin', whiny, inline-4's.
I didn't buy into that.
The sameness of all that.
At the end of the day, I'm happy.
I'm a happy ******!!! Happy w/my choice.
Happy with what I've got.
I've got my bike.
I've got my friends.
We've got our network.
We stay unique, and unusual. Different.
We are a "rara ava".
Careful what you ask for....
Robtk!42/ a.k.a. "SpecialK!"
"As a card carrying HellBuelly, I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy."
--Tom "Thunderbolt" Waits