Demanding respect from Harley Davidson dealers...

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Oct 9, 2006
I'm getting some killer t-shirts made to give to avid members. Would it not be cool to get a large mob of Buell riders together in each state to roll out to a prominate HD/Buell dealer and ride up to the front? Roll in there with a big enough crowd wearing Buell gear and just walk in together. A huge Buell crowd walking through the dealer browsing around would have to demand a little respect/attention.
[up][up] a Buell mob would be sweet, any chance of getting enough peeps that live maybe a couple hours from each other?
Yes this would be sweet! We should do one in Canada as well...I started a post to gather all "Buellagins" in Canada as well! [up]
If yer ever in Central Texas,
Look up the Hellbuellies.
We ride everywhere in mass.
We've got two HD/Buell Dealers here in Austin.
They know us and respect us.
When was the last time you walked in to a dealer ship
w/25 Buells for sale on the floor?

Check out the link on my page-
Central Texas Bueller Webpage

Robtk!42 aka "SpecialK"
Maybe we could organize a Buell owners leveraged buyout and get majority ownership back from HD. Don't think they're gonna change. Willie G. and Louie Netz run that place and all they care about is Harley 'Style' and posturing, definitely not a good attitude towards Buell owners.
i dont know why this thread makes me think of this:

And friends, somewhere in Washington enshrined in some little folder, is a
study in black and white of my fingerprints. And the only reason I'm
singing you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similar
situation, or you may be in a similar situation, and if your in a
situation like that there's only one thing you can do and that's walk into
the shrink wherever you are ,just walk in say "Shrink, You can get
anything you want, at Alice's restaurant.". And walk out. You know, if
one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and
they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,
they may think they're both ******* and they won't take either of them.
And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in
singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an
organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said
fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and
walking out. And friends they may thinks it's a movement.

but it makes me laugh
Central Texas Hellbullies

Let me say this again.

We control our fate and our destiny.
Ask yourself what you want our Buell comminity to be.
Do you want a Buell in every driveway & garage?
Do you want to be exclusive? Rare?

You can have what you want.
It can be as you choose.

I agree that there are too few of us in most places.
Those places are served a certain amount of apathy
from the vendor who serves us.
Despite Centeral Texas' fortune to have 2 great dealers,
we suffer the same syndrome.
But, we chose to be Buellers and all that comes with it.
There are those who believe that what's worth having is worth working for.

I myself have always encouraged people to be Buellers.
To become Buellers.
I encourage all to join our group.
Hell! Make your own group.
Be seen. Be respected.
We are what we choose to be.
It starts when we stop whining and do something.

Can we buy out Harely Davidson?
Well, all things ARE possible.
Likely? Probably not.

Do we want to do something that radical?
Does Erik want us to do something like that?
It is HIS company after all.
Harley Davidson was the ends to an means (or visa vers).
An ends- he has reached quite triumphantly I might add,
that he reached only by HD's means.
HD opened a set of doors that became our XB.
Our modern Buell. Change is fluid.
Who know's what tomorrow will bring...

Black sheep. That's what we are.
The unloved cousins of all them Harley fuckers out there.
I don't know that I want that to ever change.

There are bikes out there that outperform mine hands down.
No matter the category, there's a bike that can top me.
A bunch of cloned high-revin', whiny, inline-4's.
I didn't buy into that.
The sameness of all that.

At the end of the day, I'm happy.
I'm a happy ******!!! Happy w/my choice.
Happy with what I've got.
I've got my bike.
I've got my friends.
We've got our network.
We stay unique, and unusual. Different.
We are a "rara ava".

Careful what you ask for....

Robtk!42/ a.k.a. "SpecialK!"
"As a card carrying HellBuelly, I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy."
--Tom "Thunderbolt" Waits
Wise words, and much agreed. Just got my XB12S and learned the BS when dealing with HD pretty quick. But we wouldn't be Buellers if we were just another part of the pack. In the end, I say it's a small price to pay. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Here, Here special K.
well put!
I don't have mine yet but the 08's are out so the price of an 07 ulysses just went down in my book....time to deal!
I have to say though the dealership i have been to is very good,they ride buells themselves & have about 10 on shwrm floor. 4 of which are black ulysses.
My friend and I are going to buy at the same time in a few weeks(hopefully)and pay cash to get them down as low as possible. Hell will even try for a free set of hard cases too!

So I will be a Buelligan soon!

As a good friend of mine posted today on the Hellbuellies site,

Why pay almost 12k? "Just find your typical HD dealer who hates Buells, wait eight or nine months and buy it for 8."

Wise words from a Buell hardened man!
Shame they ring [mad]SO[mad]DAMNED[mad]TRUE[mad]!

Robtk!42 a.k.a "SpecialK!"

"HellBuellies demand freedom to wheelie as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
--Soren "Cyclone" Kierkegaard

As a good friend of mine posted today on the Hellbuellies site,

Why pay almost 12k? "Just find your typical HD dealer who hates Buells, wait eight or nine months and buy it for 8."

Wise words from a Buell hardened man!
Shame they ring [mad]SO[mad]DAMNED[mad]TRUE[mad]!

Robtk!42 a.k.a "SpecialK!"

"HellBuellies demand freedom to wheelie as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
--Soren "Cyclone" Kierkegaard

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