Diary of a madman!

Buellxb Forum

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Cool! I'll checkout the site! The bike can be ridden either street or track. All the lighting and stuff is hooked up. I haven't found the right turn signals, though. Still looking. The bike has race springs on both ends. I wanted to do a race tech kit on the forks, but again, too expensive for this po boy.
Thanks! That's cool that you have it set up for either. I know it can be hard to get a salvage titled bike back on the street sometimes.
Yeah, I got all my docs and the original frame and swing arm, just in case. I will bring them with me when I go to the BMV. Got my fingers crossed!
Feel your pain on a rebuild. I basically started with a motor, swing arm, and wiring harness myself. Note the bike was mine to rebuild from a personal crash so I had plenty of extra parts and pieces but each major aspect of my bike is from different year bikes.

You bike looks great, new track bike? Or will it be something to just enjoy on the street?

My hodge podge
Great job on the bike.[up]
If you ever find the previous owner, let us know what he says, (if he's still alive). My brother lost a leg and his bike wasn't recognizable after his accident. You never know.
I really love what you did with the pulley cover! [up]
I may have to attempt this some time, and for $0, it looks aftermarket $$.
Enjoy...and welcome back.
[up][up] looks great!
thanks for bringing a dead Buell back to life to terrorize the track!

But, I thought it fitting to have this bike orange and black. Starting with a Ulysses airbox cover, I did the xb orange in the front, black in the rear (hence the black swing arm and black wheel) as a nod to H-D. I also added small H-D decals to the bike. They're as small as I could find cause I think Eric Buell should get the lion's share of credit for creating these machines. As it should be.
It's your bike ,but I'm quiet a bit Confused by that statement.(sticker)..???

Don't you think Erik BUELL and BUELL Motorcycle Company should get all the credit for the BUELL XB12R Firebolt seeing how it was ERIK Buell he took a sportster engine and turned it in to something it was NEVER designed or meant to be , from a bike motor that was an old design and like a tractor ,
in to a Mean Agressive World Class High power/ High torque put into true Sports bike like No Other bike out there!!

just saying !!! (dont want a Buell HD debate or any of that , OK ,but it already shows it's HD heritage so to speak on the bar & shield on the engine parts)
MY Opinion , just saying !! and if I didn't say it some else would have anyways!
Excellent Work, Eville_Al. That bike rocks! Awesome.

One quick question, how did you screw on those frame sliders under the puck? Did you have to weld on a thread to the frame?
It's your bike ,but I'm quiet a bit Confused by that statement.(sticker)..???

Don't you think Erik BUELL and BUELL Motorcycle Company should get all the credit for the BUELL XB12R Firebolt seeing how it was ERIK Buell he took a sportster engine and turned it in to something it was NEVER designed or meant to be , from a bike motor that was an old design and like a tractor ,
in to a Mean Aggressive World Class High power/ High torque put into true Sports bike like No Other bike out there!!

just saying !!! (don't want a Buell HD debate or any of that , OK ,but it already shows it's HD heritage so to speak on the bar & shield on the engine parts)
MY Opinion , just saying !! and if I didn't say it some else would have anyways!"

I think Eric Buell should get ALL the credit, but try explaining that to H-D guys (and sport bike guys, especially). I give the nod to H-D for providing the engine case, hardware (fasteners, etc.) and whatever support they gave him. And, as my vision of a race rep, I thought it would be cool to do orange and black to show the connection between Buell and H-D. Buell is still the dominant logo on the bike. Unfortunately, I could not find any Buell Racing decals anywhere. Guess there just aren't very many left out there. The bar and shield decal on the tail is the largest H-D decal on the bike. There is a smaller bar and shield outline (no script) on the front fender. That's really about it.
When I drilled out the pulley cover, I thought I went overboard cause it's so much fun to drill stuff! I kind of had to stop myself. :-D

j, The extra frame that came with the bike was set up for the track. It has a quick release gas cap that I believe came from a Blast? It has no lock. There were bungs welded on to the bottom of the frame for sliders. I only had to drill and tap them for a set of universal sliders. As I mentioned before, I think they might be too long and thought about cutting them down an inch or so.
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Wow, yeah, that Blue oval at powersportsnetwork was on ebay once and I missed the auction a long time ago! I love the ebr Pegasus decals. Gonna order one or the other. Thanks man!
Help! I burned a race map onto the ECM and it runs like crapola! I already went through 4 iridium plugs and I am not in the mood to buy any more! :-D Replaced the fouled plugs with cheapo Champion OEM plugs and got the bike to start and idle. Won't run worth a damn, though. Did the TPS reset (several times) and static timing.
Jardine can
Breather re-route
Air box ala F.A.s.T only without heat blanket
Intake snorkel removed
Iridium plugs
White wire mod
EBR race springs all around
CF fairings
annnd the ECMSpy race map which is proving to be a nightmare!
Did you experience similar problems? I read a post that showed what the 3 d map should look like and it was really smoothed out. The poster stated that a proper map should not have sharp spikes or dramatic looking valleys. My map does. So, I guess I will have to play with that, but in all honesty, it looks tedious as ****. I did burn my map with my lap top. But, with the bike only able to lurch itself around the block, how will I log any decent data?
Update: I finally found a reasonably priced K&N and completed my air box delete. Well, I would like to find a heat blanket... Anyway, at last post, I had fouled four not-so-cheap iridium plugs and put a new OEM set in. Fouled those too. After cleaning them in the hopes they were reusable, I installed them. The Buell fired and ran!!! As soon as I placed the air box cover on, I noticed a slight drop in RPMS. I set the idle just below 1k just to test out what another member suggested. The Frankenbuell had that H-D lope! I crossed my fingers and took off for a trip around the block half expecting the bucking and backfiring to start. It never did. There is hesitation below about 2500 rpm's. Once up to 3k, it smoothed out and accelerated crisply. What exactly does running in closed loop do, allow the ecm to learn throttle openings? And this is achieved by running the bike at just above 2000 rpm's for an extended period? Will this remedy the hesitation? When I get the chance, I will pull my plugs to see if the bike is still running rich.