It's your bike ,but I'm quiet a bit Confused by that statement.(sticker)..???
Don't you think Erik BUELL and BUELL Motorcycle Company should get all the credit for the BUELL XB12R Firebolt seeing how it was ERIK Buell he took a sportster engine and turned it in to something it was NEVER designed or meant to be , from a bike motor that was an old design and like a tractor ,
in to a Mean Aggressive World Class High power/ High torque put into true Sports bike like No Other bike out there!!
just saying !!! (don't want a Buell HD debate or any of that , OK ,but it already shows it's HD heritage so to speak on the bar & shield on the engine parts)
MY Opinion , just saying !! and if I didn't say it some else would have anyways!"
I think Eric Buell should get ALL the credit, but try explaining that to H-D guys (and sport bike guys, especially). I give the nod to H-D for providing the engine case, hardware (fasteners, etc.) and whatever support they gave him. And, as my vision of a race rep, I thought it would be cool to do orange and black to show the connection between Buell and H-D. Buell is still the dominant logo on the bike. Unfortunately, I could not find any Buell Racing decals anywhere. Guess there just aren't very many left out there. The bar and shield decal on the tail is the largest H-D decal on the bike. There is a smaller bar and shield outline (no script) on the front fender. That's really about it.