dignostics from ecm spy

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Possibly, what year is your bike and what does it try to do? Does it crank but not fire? How long ago did it start?
If it's electronics related, most likely yes. But usually a no start is something simple. Does your fuel pump come on, gauges sweep, etc. - does everything work except for you hitting the button, hear no sound and get no engine turnover? In order to help you the best, we need to no exactly what it does leading up to the no-spark.
it turns over the motor spins but does not crank and im not seeing any spark off the plugs and im really lost on how to test coils and plug in etc. im a cop i carry a gun not play with eletricity lol. the fuel pump comes on the gauges sweep everything is normal except no start.i really wanna ride
first off, FTP... :D ok, now that that is out the way, you say the motor spins, but doesn't crank? Meaning the starter motor sounds like it is spinning, but the engine is not spinning???

If that's the case, your problem is with the starter motor. You WILL NOT get a spark if the engine doesn't turn over. The sensor behind the timing cover has to pass it's trip point to tell the computer to tell the coil to spark. Make sense?
I think he means it spins but doesn't fire, as in no spark. I think that's what he means by "doesn't crank", I could be wrong though...
quadracer, that's very confusing.

Do you mean that the engine turns over (crankshaft is turning, pistons are moving...) but just won't run?

Or do you mean the starter spins but does not contact the flywheel and turn the crankshaft?

Or something else?...lol

What's your definition of "crank"?
ok guys sorry ok the crankshaft is moveing the pistons are moveing the starter is working but the motor will not crank i cannott not ride it it wont crank up so i can ride it
it will not run and my definition of crank is the motor tunrs on and i get vroooom vroooom and i ride screaming wehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
lol ok. I like your definition!

So mechanically it's fine, just sounds like there's no spark for whatever reason.

Did it run fine then this just suddenly happened? First thing I'd do is change the plugs. I had an issue with mine where it ran fine and then I did something stupid (left the battery terminals barely snug) and it backfired a lot then shut off. After fixing the battery issue, it wouldn't fire. After changing the plugs, it ran fine.
lolol i checked and replaced my plugs with ngk iridium plugs still nothing i ground the plug to myself and i feel small eltricity not alot and when i ground the plug i dont see no spark? i have other post bout this its just im not good with eltrical system and im not good with all the terms some of these guys use
Ok. Yeah I'm not REAL good with electrical systems either, but if you hold the plug to a ground on the bike then try to start it you should get spark from it. May need to turn the room dark to be able to see it, keep that in mind.

If that checks out, I'm not real sure where to go from there.

With ecmspy you can run diagnostics on the coils, and other things. You could at the least check the coils with it...
With ecmspy you can run diagnostics on the following:

Coil Front
Coil Rear
Fuel Pump
Injector Front
Injector Rear
Active Muffler Control

I'd start with the simple stuff, make sure the grounds are god and the battery connections are good. Have the battery load tested.

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