Do not buy Chines!! when its possable.

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I made a half crack about Sarah Palin on here and was told to shut my pie hole. I was for nor against anybody. In fact, I'm pro nobody. I don't care what party you're for, your party spends too much of my tax dollars fixing toilets and I want my money back. I don't believe the issue is china. The issue is the governments inability to run a balanced budget and no amount of buying american is going to solve that.
I made a half crack about Sarah Palin on here and was told to shut my pie hole.

I went back and re read what you wrote. I definitely read it wrong the first time and didn't get the Palin reference and I though it was some sort of racist/sexist remark. I just want to say, I'm all up for Palin jokes and I'm sorry about my misunderstanding.
Since this topic is jacked already.....
When you really get down to it, the issue is that we ended up with cheap import crap because of two reasons, and I'll use a familiar topic as an example.

1. when given a choice, most americans make decisions based on the initial impact to their wallet. Lets see....$10K for a Buell with 80hp, or 6995 for a CBR with the same hp? based on sales volume, it's a pretty clear answer. Same reason why check advance businesses do so well. Immediate gratification without seeing the long term impact of giving away that interest every month.

2. This reluctance to pay for quality, lasting products in this disposable era, leads to inability to pay US wages, hence outsourcing...Not sure if you can say Americans are spoiled with high wages, but it is the reason why China makes all the disposable products we buy.

By the way, I own all American cars, my Buell, a sailboat that was built in the US, and, try to at a minimum buy from US owned companies. Sure some foreign car makers build in the US and contribute to the job market, but all the profit is drained from our economy.

I'm reading Shop Class as Soulcraft. Check it out....very interesting perspective on education and our capitalistic society.

sorry....just kept going... Not only fiscally responsible, but FEWER politicians spending my $$$
I tell you that there is nothing you can do... Even you belive the stuff, electronics, food what so ever is from the US or EU there is a 50% change that its still form there.

Example: it is a minor item but 90% of the garlic consumed wordwide comes from China. The same is with salmon and other food... Drugs in the US are by 40% fake from China and you will never proof this as long as the officials get their portion.

Its a sad fact that managers and mainly commercials think only on their short time profit and not the future...

The only way US and EU..lets say the rest of the world will keep going is to be smarter... R&D is the future and keep your business clean.
I went back and re read what you wrote. I definitely read it wrong the first time and didn't get the Palin reference and I though it was some sort of racist/sexist remark. I just want to say, I'm all up for Palin jokes and I'm sorry about my misunderstanding.

No problem, eh!

This reluctance to pay for quality

Bingo! This is a problem all around in this country, especially when it comes to food choices. Personally, I can't imagine setting foot inside a mcdonalds or the equivalent. It's been the better part of a decade since I have eaten fast food. I won't support these american companies, that's for sure. I think we can all agree that things would be better if the average american was healthy. Would healthcare costs be what they are today if there was no fast food?