I'd hit them with the air horn, and put my phone down long enough to yell "Roll Foal!"
JK, that's an idyllic pic John. You seem to have a lot of pictures of covered bridges, are you SURE you're not Clint Eastwood? You're alter ego's secret is ok here:angel:
Meow, I did go for a short ride yesterday for fresh fuel, I do lane split at a red light just to start off in the front for the green most of the time.
I know this is an old thread, but what the heck. Here in Louisiana lane splitting is illegal. I do lane split when traffic is stopped to get out in front of traffic for the green light, especially when riding in the brutal summer heat. One time I lane split like 15 cars and passed some dude on a Harley while doing it. Then I see in my rearview mirror the Harley begins to lane split too. I get to the front of my lane, he gets to the front of the lane to my right. I give him a thumbs up, he takes something out of his pocket and holds it up towards me. It's his police badge. He shakes his head and says don't do that.