I have a lot of time invested in trying different ways to eliminate my mirrors. Some issues that came up were vibration (screen swim). Vehicle headlights on some cameras. Glare on the screen from the sun. And camera angles. First off, if you are going to do it don't go cheap like everybody does and use one fish eye. Either get a split screen and 2 cams, or 2 complete systems. If this is what you want on your bike don't listen to the negative crap people will throw at you. After all, you want to be able to put the mirrors wherever you want with a good safe view of your surroundings and a huge WOW! factor. Tadi brothers is a good start you might check for small LCD screens as they give you all the dimensions. Angle of your cameras? Do you want 90, 120, 150, or 170deg angle? As soon as I replaced the mirrors with LCD's I was experimenting with replacing them with a modified pair of 920 i-glasses mounted in the helmet. Just my 2 cents! Good luck.