Drummer vs Hawk Exhaust...???

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i have 600 miles on mine just got back from a ride and filled up at the gas station.... i got 37mpg on that tank
Love my hawk exhaust...I have the loud version and on idle up to about 3k it isn't too loud. If you crack the throttle and watch the rpms raise it turns into music to my ears.
IF its a money thing 200vs400ish
Randy you get Can & ECM reflash
Drummer you get dyno results

Randys working on the Dyno but the Can, ECM, and K&N makes for a very noticable boost
For some reason, buellxb has become the Hawk pipe fanpage. There is a difference between hawk pipes and drummers. One is $200 pipe, and one is a $400 pipe. The drummer is very high quality dyno proven with a stainless outlet. The hawk has bad welds and crooked outlets. If anyone wants to argue that, they're delusional. Don't get me wrong, Randy may be an awesome, very generous guy. He's done a great things for all of us buellers who are on a budget. But I'd rather spend the extra $ and buy a really nice, dyno proven, pretty pipe.

I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of down votes for saying that, but it's the truth. Sooo... bring it on.
I have the DrummerSS, race ECM and K&N. I love the sound and the gains are unreal. Something I love about smoking other bikes through twisties that make fun of my firebolt is even better. My opinion if you have the cash go with the SS for damn sure. Everyone that hears the exhaust loves it and I love every bit of hte gains that I have seen, felt, and enjoyedl.

DrummerSS without a question!!!!!!!!!!
So about the exhaust valve. Those that have a pipe without it or wired open do you notice a loss in torque at part throttle? At WOT it doesn't make a difference because the valve is open but what about at part throttle cruise and acceleration. Do you guys notice a loss of torque from not having the valve in operation?

Reason I ask is I am getting ready to make my own homemade exhaust and I haven't decided if I am going to keep the valve or not.
The hawk has bad welds and crooked outlets.

Dave: That's honestly the first time I've heard anyone say that. Even when skimming through the Badweb threads![confused]

One small correction...Aren't the Drummer ends CNC'd aluminum, not Stainless? "Pretty" regardless...:p
I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of down votes for saying that, but it's the truth. Sooo... bring it on.
I would never vote anyone down for having an opinion and you're entitled to yours.

I like my Hawk quite a bit but do feel it lost some power on the bottom and mid range. Up top it's great but I don't ride at 120 all that often. My welds are not great and my paint seems to need a respray. I bought mine partly because of price but I also felt if I was going to buy any modded pipe I go with a less expensive version first. Special OPS was my first choice but when I couldn't get anything out of Odie for a full month and got my money back. Randy was available always and returned my calls right away. Now having said that, I am waiting on the new maps that I hope will address my issues, if they don't I'll try another route. Not sure if it will be a Drummer, a D&D or maybe even the ultra expensive Euro pipes like Remus. I've got a Remus setup on two of my cars and they are the best systems I've run across.
One small correction...Aren't the Drummer ends CNC'd aluminum, not Stainless? "Pretty" regardless..

You're right, my bad.

As for the quality statement, I stand by that. As a welder myself, I can understand. Maybe he's been able to purchase better equipment. It's hard to weld thin sheet metal like mufflers because you can't get it hot enough to flow smooth without melting through the metal. From what I've seen, it looks like he needs to turn his wire speed way down.

Randy has great intentions and I'm sure his product is constantly improving. If I needed another pipe, I would probably call him and give him $300 for added quality, better paint and maybe a stainless outlet.
Not gonna argue that Dave...Well put! I'm thinking of either repainting mine or Jet-coating it over the winter. And true...The welds are tough on that thin sheet-metal...especially when rust is involved. Mine (or at least the one that I bought) had a bunch of rust between the plies that gave Randy some trouble. The aluminum end eliminates teh need for that weld which was a wise move on their part IMO.

He did do mine with a stainless outlet for no additional cost though.[up]
Yeah...He basically got a 3.25" stainless exhaust tip from an auto parts store and welded it in. Probably cost him $20 or so but he never passed on the cost.
Wow there is a ton of Randy love hear. Oh and your right he is disliked on BadWeb for whatever reason.

Also I am not saying that the Hawk pipe is bad. I have never used one. I do know however that the drummers are excellent.

Personally for my 9sx if i could find one i would rock a Micron.
Wow, $400 for a XB Drummer? I wonder why a 1125 Drummer pipe is $1000? I did all the search on specs + sound bytes + reliability + problems ect and I thought in my opinion from all the research the Drummer was the way to go. But wow, $1000. After all the good press from the XB site I was looking forward to see what Randy was going to come up with for the 1125. Now I'm not sure if welds are an issue.
Props to dave...he spoke the ugly truth. But none the less both pipes are great choices its just each persons wants and what they can afford.
Just got my Hawk back and on my bike. I am very picky, a little OCD and I love mine. So far everyone that saw and heard my bike today loved my exhaust, and I promoted Randy Hawkins like crazy. Best Bang for Your Buck. Comes with your own Tech support for Buell's (Randy of course). Very knowlegable and always has time to talk and to answer even the most elementry questions you may have... Can't say enough.. Thanks for every thing Randy![up]
Update to an old post with a extended road test on both these exhausts.

I have the Hawk on my '06 XB12X and the Drummer on my '09 XB12XT. BOTH have some years and milage on them.

The Hawk is approx. two years old with 15000 miles on it. It's definitely louder and more HDish (potato, potato, potato)/chop shop sounding. The finish is fading and peeling in spots. But, still very much structurally sound and functional. Tuning it with EcmSpy/MetaLogViewer produced nice power with very little deceleration popping. I do wish they'd removed the silly active exhaust baffling. Every time its activated, it squeaks like rusty door hinges.

Bottom line, the pipe only slightly increases the appeal and performance of the uly. But, I'm an HD guy first; So.....

The Drummer is approx. 6-7 years old with 30,000 miles of service. It's not as loud (still louder than oem) and has more of an engineered/race bike sound). The finish has held the test of time and no peeling is observed. It is also very much structurally sound and functional. The silly active exhaust has been removed, so no rusty door hinge sounds here! Tuning it with EcmSpy/MetaLogViewer produced nice power with almost nonexistent deceleration popping. The aluminum end cap still polishes nicely with the embossed (Drummer and checkard race flag) emblem adds a nice upgraded styling.

Bottom line, the pipe greatly increases the appeal/styling with nicely felt performance gains on the uly.

For all said, I'll be looking to replace the Hawk for a Drummer muffler in the near future....
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