Dual Sport Style Helmet? Pros/Cons?

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I pry will have the same issue. If I get another hjc im gong to have a xxl so I may have to find a dealer and try one on.
The afx 41 has a inner drop down. That's one of the reasons I'm interested in it.
Thanks for the write up Tom. Noise isn't that much of a factor for me, since I almost always wear ear plugs anyway. Might be a problem with the mic on the Chatterbox, guess I'd just have to try it and find out.

Looked at this and the S&S offering in my local store. It was late and they were closing and I was there for something else so I didn't get to try any on. I'll just have to make another trip :)
It's my understanding that the S&S helmet is the "same" as the Bilt helmet. The shells are the same and come from the same plant in China. I still think the Bilt helmet for $100 is a decent "value" when compared to other DS helmets and the prices...


I'm not knocking the S&S as I like some of the graphics but I wanted to try one somewhat cost effective before looking into dropping more dough into this type of helmet.
actually I heard that the Bilt is actually a AFX-39.. not sure if its true though.

the FX-41 is actually growing on me.. takes a few days to make that mental transition from a sport helmet to a DS. .. its not a "perfect helmet", I could not recommend it as a "only helmet" just due to the fact that for about 20 bucks more you can get a Icon Alliance that can do pretty much anything. But as a in-town, summer "street fighter" helmet I can give it a thumbs up just on appearance, air flow and having real handy features for a helmet so inexpensive... good helmet, I can only knock if for how loud it is, but you get used to it in a few days. If you like the look, I say "go for it"
Hey gloom How does the sizing go on these. Iv always had hjc so if you had one of those for size comparison it would be awesome
I just picked up a Variant on saturday- havnt ridden with it yet though.


Has anyone seen any dual sports with a drop down inner  visor? I haven't seen any options for that unless I'm looking hard enough
They're out there, but some manufacturers like Arai don't offer them because they compromise the structural integrity of the helmet. I think that's why I've never seen a Snell helmet with a retractable inner shield. Something to consider if you're thinking about that feature...
farmboy, the sizing was pretty accurate... in my case just a tad too loose for my tastes but still real close..

check these out.

lightweight body armor.. got some good online reviews for summer street use

I got a review coming on these gloves I picked up.. they will be here at the end of the week.

outfitting for a brutal summer this year here in Florida...
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Actually I believe they are both made in China.
the iphone is made in china that doesnt meen the 10 dollar knockoff is the same.scorpion,hjc,icon,bell and many other helmets and products including many stock parts on the buell are made in china
Its ALL MADE IN CHINA.. just not all made to the same specs... but the high-spec Chinese market stuff looks just like the export stuff that they sell to the name brands here in the US.. if its any good, its only going to be say, 50%- 60% cheaper than you would expect it to be.. but if its like 200%-300% cheaper that it should be.. STAY AWAY from it! Example, you still cant get a good pair of Chinese market pants for less than 80 bucks.. if they charge 80 for it, it would retail here for like 150.. I am seriously considering those pants I put up in that previous post.. those look real nice. I bet they are no hotter than normal Jeans..
I should have been more clear, the SS and Bilt are produced at the same factory in China. Whether the Bilt is the "knock off" from within the same factory I do not know and really do not care. As I said previously, I wanted to try out this type of helmet as cheaply as possible before spending more money. Understand that MANY helmets are produced within the same factories in China. The price difference will be the interior materials as well as the marketing budget of the company selling the helmet. CycleGear/Bilt does not sponsor riders like SS so naturally the SS will be more expensive. Does that make it better? Dont' know, don't care. And to be clear, I do like the SS product line.
Understand that MANY helmets are produced within the same factories in China.  The price difference will be the interior materials as well as the marketing budget of the company selling the helmet.
Yup. "Third shift" knock-off products come off the exact same assembly-line as the genuine articles. They can also afford to sell them for less because they're just being manufactured with the assembly-line's excess capacity.
I wanted to try out this type of helmet as cheaply as possible before spending more money.
Keep in mind that the cheapest dual-sport helmet may not leave you with favorable impressions of dual-sport helmets generally.

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