All this "Hero would NEVER sell in the US.." is incorrect, I think. NEVER overestimate the average American motorcycle buyer. I have friends that have worked as salesmen for Harley, Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda.. bla bla bla.. and the stories they tell me always have me just rollin' with laughter. The industry SURVIVES off of selling bikes to guys that basically know NOTHING about motorcycles. Right now, my buddy is making a Killing off of the FZ-07 and FZ-09, he cant keep them in stock. Its like a feeding frenzy and 90% of the guys buying the -07 don't know what "fully adjustable suspension" means anyway so, they don't miss not having one. They are buying because of looks, digital "dashboard" and low pricing. You could stick a Hero Haustur for 5-6 grand or Hero HX250 for 3-4 grand right next to a FZ-07 and it would sell also. They would just go "man, I like that black one! what is that? "Hero"? , that's new.. yeah cool its got a digital dash on the TANK! Boy, that's badass.. can I buy it? will you finance me?" Thats how that would go down. That's how it went down when Japanese bikes were new to the market.