EBR Closes / Bankruptcy

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too early to decide on anything...it's just been hours since the **** hit the fan and speculations are flying left and right. give it some time to let the dust settle, this affects both parties involved...Hero and EBR, much deeper than we all know at the moment.
stay calm...we've survived HD's crap and believe we can survive this as well.
Anyone hear if Rotax has any interest in buying them? Wonder if that would be a good thing?
Thought someone mentioned they were interested in purchasing Buell at some point. Hope this ends well some how? I cannot afford a new bike, but if I could I definitely would have been interested in the never released AX, or a used AX, which looks like it may never happen?
There are 20,490 BXB members. Add in some guys from BadWeb and BRO to bring that number to 21,000. Then $25M/21k= $1190/ea

Oh the irony.

I don't think anyone besides hero will touch it. Even then they may let it rot until Buell is willing to sell patents and rights for cheap just to get by. I've got a feeling that this situation is more malicious than we would think.

Companies with money only want more money. They don't care what it takes to save or obtain. Hero is set up right where they want to be. About to tear open a gateway to US wallets in a grand fashion. For much less than it would have taken if they had played nice.

But. If polaris would step up. That would be cool. Or FORD.
As far as I know they are a parts supplier for HD. Which just puts them in an even better position to take on their own Motorcycle division.
What happened to, "Fiercely Independent?" Seemed like he learned his lesson, but forgot it the very next day.

Coming to the market with a superbike was also not the best decision. All he needed to do was to look at his sales from Buell. Then he should have asked himself "What sold the best?" Ok, let's make more of that.
Well I will say that Buell is an amazing motorcycle builder/creator/innovator, but the worst business man/decision maker!
Right now, Buell's half of that company could be bought for pennies on the dollar... right where Hero wants it. Without Hero's cash-flow.. Buell's part in that company isn't worth squat. Watch Hero take EBR for pennies. Hero will then approach Buell and ask him "wanna design some EBRs and Heros? .. we could use a good guy like you." That's whats coming next..
I called the Pensacola dealer. They say 14,999 is the bottom price and it's possible the banks will repo all that are left. If they drop to 10k $ I'll buy 1. I'd like to get the sx but either one would be cool.
Was really positioning myself to pick up an SX in the next couple months.

If there is a fire sale, Ill jump on it. (Picked up my new 09 XB12ss when HD dumped them).

Fingers crossed for a HERO buy out. Its a great bike. But, racebikes dont support companies. The 100,000's of scooters, dirt bikes and comuter bikes do (or the car compant that owns you)

Race bikes are show pieces for companies. A "look what we can do". Not something to prop you up.

Good luck Erik! Hope to see you still involved!
I agree with previous posts about Hero. In my gut I feel like they did this as advertising for their brand in the US and will try to rape and pillage everything EBR and Buell had. This looks really sketchy to me. I hope it's not true but it smell funny. I would love to see Polaris get involved.
EBR is probably better off under control of Hero, hate to say that but EBR needs an entire industry behind it to really make it happen.. EBR is too weak to survive on its own against the Big 4
Perfect timing.... just picked up a stock pipe to have made into a Drummer and send in my EBR ECM tuned for my Hawk to be re-flashed to the Drummer tune. Just my luck.
That's what the forum is for........especially during this, ahem, temporary void in service. I'm sure someone has the file you need.

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