EBR Event + Meet and Greet with Erik

Buellxb Forum

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I wish I could make it, I met up with some of the Indy guys in 2012 for the MotoGP race. Good group of guys except for a guy named Mark he is a dick.
Heagachongoose didn't say hi to me at Dragon VIII because of my chicken strip aka bacon strips

LOL, I just bought new tires lately and been sick so haven't ridden much. Think he will dis-own me?
who all is going to this? I have not been able to ride lately because of some issues. Today is the first time I rode my bike to work in about 5 weeks. Plan on going to this and would like to meet as many of you guys as I can. It helps to be able to put a face with a name. See you there.
Pfft. I was too busy off-roading and doing other hillbilly ****. Next time we will have to meet over a beer or two. Or three lol :very_drunk:

Disowned. Shame. I'm about to pick me up a set of ST tires due to the amazing excess of good riding roads up here. ha.

On a side not, beggin strips are ****ing delicious. I think I eat them more than the dog does.

And it's official, just submitted my PTO form for the 17th.
Well this just made my day. Apparently, you're deserving of my 1000th ****post here

Wow. Must have had a ****ty day lol. I'm honored.

Logix, I would probably have to head out Friday night and waddle my sad ass back home saturday night.

I actually enjoy facebook. It's a good place to network. Plus trolling the page is almost as much fun as people watching at the county fair.