ECM Problems on 1125 CR

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Feb 26, 2018
I have a 2009 Buell 1125CR. I have around 18,400 miles on the bike. I just switched from a FMF pipe to a Keda Exhaust with an ECM tuned for the pipe. When I plug the new ECM in and Go thru all the proper steps of installing it I>E unplug battery and reset TPS the bike will start and run If i shut it off it will not restart and throws a system voltage error. IF i put the stock ECM in it works fine. If I put in another tuned ECM it goes back to the voltage system error. Any suggestions?
What specifically does it do when it doesn't re-start? Cranks fast and not fire? Fires up and stumbles? Cranks slow?
You may be getting the system voltage error just because the bike is having a hard time starting.

With the race ECM in have you tried to slightly open the throttle while cranking on restart? If you are shutting it off cold it is still very rich. Opening the throttle blades will give it a little air to compensate.
Interesting. I have a 2009 1125CR as well. I ended up tuning the stock ECM after upgrading the exhaust and air filter to a K&N. If you post your bin file I can take a look and see what might be causing the problem.
What specifically does it do when it doesn't re-start? Cranks fast and not fire? Fires up and stumbles? Cranks slow?
You may be getting the system voltage error just because the bike is having a hard time starting.

With the race ECM in have you tried to slightly open the throttle while cranking on restart? If you are shutting it off cold it is still very rich. Opening the throttle blades will give it a little air to compensate.

Bike Cranks fast and does not fire. I did not have any problem with the race ecm on starting cold its on a warm restart it does not fire back up. Bike cools down for an hour or so and will fire back up.
Interesting. I have a 2009 1125CR as well. I ended up tuning the stock ECM after upgrading the exhaust and air filter to a K&N. If you post your bin file I can take a look and see what might be causing the problem.

What did you tune stock ecm with?
So the ECM is running software that is called a firmware because it's running on an embedded microprocessor. There's a couple of different Buell firmwares running on their ECMs; yours is likely BUE2D, as was mine on my 2009. My '08 XB originally came with a BUEYD firmware, later updated by the dealership to BUEZD, and finally to BUE2D also. Anyway, the firmware is essentially a program running on the ECM and it loads a calibration/tune/setting everytime it's powered up. That calibration/tune/setting can be saved out as a bin file, short for binary data file. You can then look at this bin file using a computer program like TunerPro RT. With the correct definition that maps out the bin file into legible sections, you can edit, tune, and reflash your ECM with TunerPro as well.

I used a cable that I made up using a Deutsch connector for the ECM interface and an FTDI chip based USB-serial cable. Then I used TunerPro RT and EcmSpy's XDF to read the bin file from the ECM. I saved this data, then flashed a new tune to the ECM that locked the AFV at 100%. I then rode around with a laptop strapped to my bike and datalogged. Analyzing the datalogs, I was able to update my fuel maps with the EGO corrections recorded and fine tune the closed loop region after a few runs. The open loop is a bit trickier and more harmful to the engine if not tuned right, so I used data from the race ECM for the open loop region. Eventually, I might get to a dyno and fine tune them, but hopefully the race ECM keeps things safe in the mean time.
I've noticed that the 1125 is a bit more sensitive to fueling during startup, hot or cold. Minor adjustments to the startup enrichment can make the engine not want to start at all.

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