ecm spy tunes

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Jun 18, 2012
Does anyone have a before and after screen shot of the tune they did? i'd like to see what a before looks like and what it 'should' look like after the fact. i couldn't seem to find a good neutral starting point.
I am wanting to see what a log looks like before and after of a good tuned bike. i found befores and afters but never of the same bike and it made it a little harder to relate them.

There are plenty of threads on here about how to data log. Getting yourself a proper good tune involves a lot of work and a huge understanding of what is physically going on. A stock tune is a great starting place. Also depending on what mods you have vs someone elses probably way different, beyond that climate and environmental differences.

I recommend against copying someone else fuel maps, its so much more involved than that.
I am not wanting to copy a tune. I am wanting to see a starting result and ending result on what a map might look like. I have read all the post. I just like the visual so i can get the ideas flowing. trust me I am not copying which is why i asked for a screen shot and not an upload.
You shouldn't need to see other tunes to get "ideas flowing". You should be datalogging and letting the bike tell you what it needs.
why is it so difficult to get a request filled? i prefer to visual of those before and after so i can view a chart. i have gone through the logging i just don't feel comfortable till i see other ways. everyone learns differently and i just prefer this option for myself. i shouldn't have to explain why i prefer one thing over the other really.
Nobody is saying that your way of learning is incorrect. Being visual is great. The problem is that it sounds like you want to see where people changed the map, then apply similar scalar values to your own. This is grossly inaccurate. If you've done the logging, then the VE analysis will show you where the maps need to be changed without any of the trial-and-error guesswork involved in the former process. Equally, you have no clue whether the screenshot that someone posted is accurately tuned. It just seems like an unreliable method.
i can download plenty of 'tunes' from other bike out there. i just wanted to see someone that had done a 'good' tune correctly with a before. i'd like to see a before and after numbers and a before and after 3d chart. i just want to view it. i sat down yesterday and messed with mine but i just am not comfortable yet with it and want to just see other things.
even if i wanted to just copy a bike and screw mine up it really shouldn't matter to any of you. im not doing that but i see your caution and thank you for your word of warning.
Probably your best bet would be to download one of the Buell race tunes. You can use that to compare to your stock map, and see whatever it is you're interested in seeing.
No body is giving you what you ask for cause its no more helpful than what you say youve already done.

Most of the guys on here are great for giving helpful information when it is actually helpful. Most of the senior members though wont give you the time of day if your request/question is pointless
I can see his point, I kinda operate the same way mechanically. I work better if I can see what something is supposed to look like when it's finished. I have very little imagination :D I don't believe he wants to copy anything but just have an idea what the 3D map should basically look like after fine tuning, then apply his own scalar values from his logs to achieve a similar result.

The problem is, there are too many variables involved as no two bikes are the same based on mods, atmospheric conditions, etc
Still not pointless for me. i don't even care if its from another type of bike or a car or anything for that matter really. i just want to see something as screwed up as our bikes to a finished product that had good results. i just want to study this information while i sit at my work computer not punching in numbers not doing anything special just a study guide for before and after tunes.
Then compare your stock tune to any factory race tune. has them available to load into ECMspy

Those are the best examples you can get considering what you ask. If you understood what you were seeing then i dont see how it helps.

When it comes down to it, youll be so underwhelmed with whatever results you get. Balancing your motorcycle for street use and every day riding next to impossible. Dont fu** it up.
I took the race tune and smoothed the ridges out and raised the flat spot and changed a couple other items. One was o2 voltage from .49 to .52 and a couple other things like that. It feels like a different animal I could use a little more here or there but eh, I'll get there.
Look in my pics folder for my tune. Used wideband to tune it. Sorry I am on my cell phone otherwise I could get you better screen shots. Let me know if you want something else.

Also the other guys are spot on. If you think you will just smooth out the maps or tweak it then it will run like crap. You really need to tune to the bike. Been there done that. Bought the wb setup to do it right.
I took the race tune and smoothed the ridges out and raised the flat spot and changed a couple other items. One was o2 voltage from .49 to .52 and a couple other things like that. It feels like a different animal I could use a little more here or there but eh, I'll get there.
this doesnt sound right to me.
Look in my pics folder for my tune. Used wideband to tune it. Sorry I am on my cell phone otherwise I could get you better screen shots. Let me know if you want something else.

Also the other guys are spot on. If you think you will just smooth out the maps or tweak it then it will run like crap. You really need to tune to the bike. Been there done that. Bought the wb setup to do it right.

That was perfect! answered my questions so now i can go back to the drawing board and continue to figure out my troubleshooting.