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I just read on another site that there will be no more ecmspy for models after 07 do to the guys writing the programs closing up shop and getting back to their own businesses.
Sounds good and thanks for your help. I am slightly intimidated by computer/electronic stuff so it is much easier to buy one than to walk into radio shack and try to explain what I want.
I tried this on my Uly, and wasn't able to get it to connect to the ECM. All I managed to do was get the check-engine light to flash.

Anyone have any luck getting it to work on the 12X?

I don't think it should really matter as to what buell it is as long as it has the 4pin deutsch connector. That and if you made the plug right.

It sounds like you are having more of a problem of getting the computer to connect. There are some drivers that need to be installed for everything to function correctly. I just built my cable and plan to try and hook it up when I get home from work. Hopefull I can get it figured out...
I didn't build the Deutsch connector. I spliced a female serial cable into the wiring harness.

I am an electronics guy, so I have faith in myself getting it connected properly. It did take a little digging as to what the ECM referred to as RX or TX (if it was supposed to be rx-tx or tx-tx, rx-rx) As best I can tell the RX from the cable is connected to the TX of the ECM and vice-versa. (give me a break for such a stupid question, it's been a while since I was in school)

I got the FTDI cable, so once I get my bike back I'll give it another shot. When I was trying it before my boo-boo I was using a cable from best-buy. I didn't know if ECMspy was specifically written for the FTDI cable.
I got the FTDI cable, so once I get my bike back I'll give it another shot. When I was trying it before my boo-boo I was using a cable from best-buy. I didn't know if ECMspy was specifically written for the FTDI cable.

I was originally going to try a bestbuy cable as well since I have a brand new serial to usb cable sitting at home, but remembered how picky my Autronic was on getting the right voltages and figured the FTDI would be best. Substitutions may work, just not work correctly.....
You can't use generic Best Buy USB cables for the ECMSPY laptop software. The FTDI cable is required to convert the ECM RS232 voltages to TTL that the USB port requires. Palm devices like the TX already have TTL interfaces, so all you need to do is get a Palm TX serial cable from eBay, hack off the USB connector and wire up the Deutsch connector. The Palm is useful for on-the-road datalogging, keeping you from having to lug a laptop around.
I should have been clearer. It wasn't a generic serial cable, it was a best-buy USB to Serial cable.

have any of you heard of a TTL-232R-3V3 it is the same as the TTL-232R but it has 3.3 IO instead of 5. Will this work? It is all i seem to be able to get here.

Thank you