Big ups to anyone who can send me a copy of the program, I cant express how much my bike and I need this. PLEASE, I greatly appreciate any help. My uly is begging for it. [email protected]
That would make it VERY handy to post a link to instead of sending them out individually. Though I don't know the legalities behind it, I would think since it was Freeware to begin with, it would be fine. Anyone with legal expertise want to weigh in?
could someone help please
i have lost my ecm spy program off my laptop and its
been removed from website now so if you have it could you send it to me please [email protected]
[confused] So I have ecmspy, got my cable..and that's it. I downloaded the correct drivers and got my bike to connect once..the rest of the time, ecmspy tells me that it failed to get com port. I'm running vista home premium. Anybody have any ideas? I really need the help. Im putting my exhaust on in two days and I can't ride the bike without remapping from xopti. Thanks!
I think I read that you have to run ECMSpy in administrator mode (or something like that) in Vista. I'm pretty sure it's stated in the beginning of the tutorial???
I dont know if this will help or not, maybe I'm running an outdated version of ecmspy? I'm running file version product version 1.12.0001. Any ideas? Thanks for the help [confused][confused][confused][confused]
hey stevenc could I get a copy sent to my email? I want to see if a new installation will help my problems at all. thank you if you can. [email protected]