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Thanks a lot Stevenc. Sorry to say it but, that didn't fix my problem. ecmspy still tells me that it failed to get com port..I know i'm hooking everything up just doesn't like me. Maybe I'm screwing up with the drivers from ftdi? I really need this thing to work.[sad]
I just ordered a cable and now I'm having trouble finding a working copy of the software. If anyone can send me a copy that would be awesome. Does anyone have the newest version, 1.12.27?

[email protected]

Yes, they officially ended the project a while ago... Don't know why they didn't leave the program available for download though... Oh well.
It can be downloaded here: Here

hey Stevenc150 I download it , but hey i can't read it , does any one have the english language version of ecm spy or any other ecm reprogramer available for free download. any help. thanks .
LOL ok open up ecmspy up top you'll see Datei Konfiguration Ansicht Extras and Hilfe. Click on Konfiguration then click Programm the 1st drop down window you see will day Deutch in it says Sprache next to it click the arrow and change to English then click ok and your all set =P
Anyone still making/selling these cables. I see a few on ebay for 45.99, is that the cable that i would need to use ecmspy properly? If you can do better pricing than that it would be grately appreciated.
Without 1st hand references, Ebay can be hit-or-miss at times. I'd contact, He sells them and the quality is guaranteed for $45 if I'm not mistaken.
Checked that site, At this time after shipping its 49.99, but if youre telling me about it here and its not the first time ive seen it on, Than its a much safer bet than ebay.

Now just wait for the cable, and look around about the careful modification of the AFR, ugh
Thanks Stevenc
I couldn't remember their name earlier, but here's a post where a member (Edipis) offers ECMSpy cables and some support for $45.

(Check the Last post in this thread by Edipis) - ECMSpy & Cables
I have the race info for your bike matt95. I'll try and send the info later tonight.

I also have some cables if anyone needs them.

You should have the 07 race eeprom in your email.


$45 is really the best I can do after paying shipping and everything. I loose money if I go much lower. I understand times are tough. I have a bunch of these I have money wrapped up in, so I'm kind of in the same boat. It's still lower than anyone else you will find after shipping is included.


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