ECMDroid - Data logging with your Android phone

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Jan 29, 2011
I have been experimenting somewhat with the new ECMdroid app available on android phones and tablets. Love this app! though its not yet 100% complete and still being developed, and there is no documentation that I could find.

I started off writing some notes as I worked my way through it and through trial and error discovered the complete process for making the logged data usable.The data logging process is very straightforward; but it is what you need to do with the files afterwards in order to analyse the data that can be a bit tricky. I haven't included anything regarding the tuning/data analysis process itself as theyre are plenty of good posts on this already. Ive done my best to detail the steps required below, and hope that others might be keen to give this a go and perhaps add to or correct anything that I might have missed :p

1. Install the latest version of ECMdroid from Google Play store and launch ECMdroid.
2. Connect BT dongle to ECM connector on bike, and start the bike
3. Click Connect and wait for the list of available BT devices to be enumerated.
4. Select the BT device connected to the bike, and wait for the all the ECM pages to be read. Should look something like this

5. From the Menu, Select EEPROM
6. You should see a colour-coded page representing the Hex based ECM data; Click the disk button to save the ECM data to file.

7. From the Menu, Select Logging
8. On the logging page you will see live data for RPM, TPS, etc populating on the screen, Click Start Recording

9. Stick the phone in your pocket and ride the hell out of the bike!
10. BEFORE you switch the bike off; Click Stop Recording, then Disconnect from the main screen and close the ECMdroid app.

11. Now you will need to copy the resulting *.bin (Log) and *.xpr (EEPROM) file off your device to your computer (I won’t go into the details here but there are many options for doing this). The both Log and EEPROM files you are after can be found in /sdcard/Android/data/org.ecmdroid/files in their respective subdirectories.
12. Once the files are copied to your computer you will need to download 2 utilities. The first to extract the fuel maps into an MSQ file used by MegalogViewer to run its VE Analyser, and the second to convert the binary log files produced by ECMdroid into the MSL file format used by MegalogViewer. These utilities can be found on and websites, respectively:

13. You will also need the XDF file to match the ECM type of your bike (eg. BUEIB). Xopti has kindly packaged all the XDF files into a single download here for your tuning pleasure:
14. From the archive file you will need to extract the file matching your ECMs designation code (eg. BUEIB)– Note: do not use the V5 files (the XPRFuelMapExtractor utility was originally built to work with the older V4 version of TunerPro and does not support the V5 XDF file format).
15. Run the XPRFuelMapExtractor utility, select the appropriate XDF file, the XPR file you copied from the Android device, click MSQ export, give the new file a name.

16. Extract the contents of into a directory and run the Bin2MSL.bat file.
17. Select the *.bin file from the Android device and wait for the script to finish running.
18. Once you have your MSL file, and before it will work with MegalogViewer, you will need to manually convert the TPS values from 10bit to 8bit by dividing the 10bit values by 4. I find the easiest way to do this to open the file in Excel, creating a new column called “TPS 8Bit” and referencing the TPS 10Bit column (eg. =A1/4, where A1 is a cell in the TPS 10Bit column). Then Copying the new column and Paste Special, Values column. Delete your working column and save (tab delimited), then close the file. You may have to rename the new file created to MSL again, to allow it to be opened in MegalogViewer.
19. And you’re done - You now have the XPR file (which can be natively opened and edited in TunerPro or uploaded by ECMspy), and the MSL and MSQ files to use when tuning the maps using MegalogViewer.

Enjoy! [cool]
Thanks everyone; I still think there is a lot to be desired in the app as I've discovered, but it's a hell of an effort to date by the developer (McFly) so cudos to him/her.

So far I didn't cover flashing the ROM back to the ECM (though it looks like there is a function in the app to do so) because I havent done this successfully yet. When I finally got the logs and MSQ file into a state to run it through VE Analyser, you still need to get the resulting, updated MSQ file (which is just the fuel maps without any other data) back into an XPR file format (which contains all the ECM data) in order to get it uploaded again.

I tried doing this by opening the (post Megalog VE analyser) MSQ file in ECMSpy and saving the new maps onto an old ROM I had (resulting in an EPR file which I understand is the same as the XPR file format of TunerPro, but I could be wrong here (anyone....?) ), but once I did this, renamed to XPR, got it back to my Padfone2, and tried to flash the ROM back to the bike with ECMdroid, I got an error along the lines of "couldnt verify ECM build version".

Im not sure yet if this is due to an issue with ECMDroid, my EPR-->XPR file assumption being incorrect, or the fact that the log file conversion process Bin2MSL seems to use the TunerPro V4 version XDF files (I used V5 to run the VE analyser, and produce the resulting MSQ file so this never really sat right with me about the process).

Anyone get any different results?


I built the BT unit myself using one of these a while ago using a good guide on this forum (I can still be pretty dangerous with a soldering iron when needs be) and used it with ECMSpy successfuly as well. Connecting it to a droid phone though is infinately easier than messing around with a laptop in a backpack though, which is why I love the idea of this app.
stymoszu, have you done the TPS reset with the Droid app? Is it just a one botton click?
Thanks for all its really cool for you to take your time teaching us how to use it, i bougth a android phone and a cable and was starting to worry because i couldnt get any feedback on how it works
If the EcmDroid developer could update the app with the option of outputting datalogs in Megalog format like ECMSPY does, and Megalog Viewer were to come out in an Android app, there would be no need to do any converting. You would just datalog, analyze/modify and upload back into the ECM. Man, that would be sweet.
Excellent write up Sty. IV had success with ecmspy's bin conversion software I think it stays 10 bit. No matter because I'm pretty sure there's a megalogger app in the works IV seen the beta its pretty far along.
Thanks for this! I just bought a LG motion from metropcs for $50, I believe this will work on it.
FYI for anyone using ecmdroid, Megalogviwer and Tunerpro. The new version of ECM droid has a convert to MSL file in the app now so you do not need to convert this on the PC anymore. Also after trying to use new Megalogviwer HD I found out that it does not work for our Buells. I e-mailed the owner and he told me to use the regular Megalogviwer for MS, very cool guy BTW. So after I was able to get my log file in Megalogviwer I ran into the same “TPS 10Bit” issue as the person above. What I found out from A LOT of searching was the newer bikes like mine that have a MAP sensor, 09 XB12Ss, use the “Load” value for calculating where you are on the MAP. I.E. instead of using TPS alone they use MAP value AND TPS together to calculate where you are on the MAP and the old bike use JUST TPS. So the conversion that stymoszu used above did not work correctly on my bike. You can find information on this on ecmspy’s website under the FAQ section. Now if you have the latest version of Megalogviwer it will actually give you the option to select “Load” on the bikes with MAPs instead of “TPS 8Bit” like the non MAP bikes use. Now the data will run correctly in Megalogviwer. Now I am still working on getting ecmdroid to recognize my new Xpr file I created for the bike using tunerpro but for some reason even when I load this file into the folder for ecmdroid on my phone the app will not pulled it up as an option to load into the bike. Does anybody have any suggestions on this?

Nashville IL
I bought one from xopti and it works great with the laptop and the ecmdroid app on my phone.

Does that mean that those of us with older builds (e.g. 2006) do not need to convert from the TPS10bit? Or will we still have to do this?

I have a Motorola XOOM running DroidOS and it would be much easier to datalog by BT, with tablet in tankbag, than lugging my 17" widescreen laptop around on my back..........

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