ecmspy-FAILED TO GET COM PORT- Arrrggghhhhh

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I got my cable on EBay yesterday. Downloaded the disk and it came up in German. Just clicked around and found the English setting. I plugged my cable in and couldn't get a connection. Pulled off the rubber seal that keeps the plug in tight. Got a connection no problem. Cost $40 shipped
Does any know if it possible to alter the fan run times with ECMspy. I installed a comfort kit on my Ulysses, & they recomend a download which shuts off the fan above 30 MPH. The dealer wants something like $150 to do this. I'm tired of listening to that howling fan!
Just got ecmspy same problem after many frustrations, I tried one last thing bike HAS TO BE IN NEUTRAL [up]
Just got the failed to get com port error. I have windows 8 is there a special drive for this version of windows? I checked the cord to make sure everything was well connected. Any ideas? [confused]
I have windows 8 and it works, check the cable end that connects to bike I had mine come apart . the wires where not soldered just crimped and 1 wire was not making contacted in the pin. you will have to pull the orange end out to check make sure you remember where they go. I took two flat screw driver and pried carefully and it came out .
ok thanks rchuff . when i pulled it apart they were just crimped i guess ill try soldering them and see if that helps. so just plug n play with windows 8 no driver?
I found out it was my cable because I have 2 cables and the other one worked and was soldered. when I fixed it then it started to work . I went to the cable symbol it asked me com port I think I put com port 3 or 4 and it said got com port.
Soldered it and ran ECM spy as administrator and got com by auto detect. No drivers. At least there's one good thing about windows 8
I had it working long enough to mess up my ecm, and once again to un-f$%@ it. Haven't been able to get it to work since, Even bought the bluetooth module and downloaded the Droid app, and I still can't connect. :(
Yep got com with no problem after soldering the cable and everything worked. Now just to find mega log view... Thanks again rchuff.

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