ecmspy for 08 xb12?

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I have an 08' TT that was built in July of 07'. The standard ECMspy works fine on my bike. I'm not sure what date they made the changes to the ecm so you can always look into that.
Just to be clear.. assuming I can live with spending $305 and I want a fast/easy solution.. Will this smooth out my lean pops and play nicely with my 08' XB12R with Hawk & free flowing air filter?
I would say that going through Tuniversity or Xopti would net you better results but the race ecm would definitely be an improvement
Who's thread is this? No seriously, don't waste your money on that. It's designed for a specific setup. Not yours.
Who's thread is this? No seriously, don't waste your money on that. It's designed for a specific setup. Not yours.

TileGuy, if you have opened up your intake and have a hawk exhaust then the EBR ECM actually is designed for your specific setup, just specify what exhaust you have if you order it. Other than the obvious warnings about road use, blah, blah, blah....No guarantee that it will fix your lean intake pop, but it will for sure add fuel in most rpm ranges so I couldn't see it making it
the EBR ECM actually is designed for your specific setup

No, it's not. It's a map created on a dyno in Wisconsin on a totally different bike with a totally different ambient environment. It's a great plug-and-play solution for people who have more money than time, but it's just a band-aid, at best.

The only real solution to the problem is tuning your bike, with you riding it, in your environment, out in real-world on-the-road conditions. For 08+ bikes, the best options are TunerPro if you know what you're doing, and ECMSpy Mono if you don't.

As I said previously in the thread, we built our entire pricing structure around the EBR ECM costs. For approximately the same cost, you can get a fully custom map, PLUS an education on how to do it yourself. It just takes a little investment of your time.
I can live with spending $305 and I want a fast/easy solution

No it won't fix or resolve anything, nor will it increase horsepower or torque in any way or form, sorry for misleading you.
The bike has a Jardine and k and n filter.  Anybody have a map they would share? my email is [email protected]. As far as EBR is concerned NO WAY. Burning maps is like jet swapping. They want way too much loot for that stuff. Thanks guys.

Are you still looking for a Jardine map or are you going to tune it yourself and what firmware is your ECM?
ya, i think ill need ecmspy mono to burn the maps right? i think if i remember its beuz. i could be on wrong. its not for my bike. just a fellow buelligan. thanks again
the links you posted were in the 1125 section... different motorcycle completely. there fore the race ecm for those does quite a bit more, compared to a race ecm on an XB
EBR ECM worked great on my XB with a Drummer SS before I started using TunerPro RT on my stock ECM.
EvoDiesel and stellio78, I think you missed the sarcasm in my last post. Either way I will not be posting on this topic anymore as I do not personally have any way to benefit financially from helping people here.

Hello all. I've been here for a while, but haven't really posted a lot. Just doing a lot of reading. Anyway I have a 2009 Buell XB12R Arctic White and Blue and I've been wanting to tune it myself but as we all know, there are many posts talking about tuning. While searching the web the other day I found something that made me think I could get the heat down and smooth my ride out. The product is the ViED from which is Waaaay cheaper than buying the Race ECM and it seems easier and safer than me trying to use a few different programs to tweak my ECM. The really hard part is that I don't have any other Buell riders here in Redlands, CA to compare my bike to and as we all know, the HD shops aren't really Buell Friendly.

Anyway, has anyone ever used this product or does anyone have any knowledge of this at all.

Kevin G.
I got tunerpro downloaded and am ready to go thanks to Stellio! I'm done with this thread, so all the thread jackers come and get it.
Matteson, I wasn't trying to jack your thread. I apologize if it seemed that way. I was just looking for another option for us all and trying to find an easier way. Now that you have the software, let me/us know what process that you use and if it's easy to do. Good luck.

Semper Fi
^ ditto on that Superman. I just like to get more input from other riders on what worked and what didn't.
I don't know which to use. Megalog or tunerpro. You see I have been burning maps with ecmspy on my 03 (just the race map). I want to datalog but am getting alot of unclear info. It appears we can achieve stoich with nb o2 sensor. But max power isn't stoich its like 13. something. To cruise and idle at stoich is cool by me. But when I go WOT I don't want stoich. So I don't know how to tune those parameters into a custom map. Like I said, I am afraid I can only achieve stoich with the auto-tune ve in megalog. I still have a ton of research to do on this subject.
On the subject matter of adding in loop circuits to send more fuel signals make me leary. I had a tfi on mine when i bought it and the battery came loose and short circuited the chip in it and made the bike buck like a bronco. I just think there is no quick fix when it comes to tuning. 2 welded bungs with wb 02 sensors seems to be the most accurate( and most costly).
I refuse to pay for knowledge that is easily obtainable on the web. See, a forum is meant to guide and help each other out. Not flat out advertise. I have been a member on other forums and advertising was prohibited in a post. A recommendation was fine. But no soliciting. It is not the point of the forum.( Not referring to your link superman)