heres my write up of building my bluetooth cable for ecmspy. i use the directions from ecmspy and here. i know it was long over due, but i just got around to buliding it,
here is the parts i used: bluesmirf bluetooth chip, deutsch connector, 5v regulator, and a piece of circuit board. this problaly cost me more to build than i would like to have spent, but i have other projects im working on.
so after placing the chip and regulator where i want them it was just simple soldering. make sure the regulator the input side of the regulator is conneted to the bike 12v side and the out put is towards the bluetooth chip. the input leg is to the right if you are looking at the flat side of the regulator. the center is ground, and the left is output.
now just solder the wires to there corresponding point to the bluetooth chip. on mine the red wire is 12v, the black is ground, the blue is rx, and green is tx. so on the back of my plug top left red (12v), top right is green (tx), bottom left is blue (rx), and bottom right is black (ground).
now all is done. except my chip has 2 extra connections, CTS (clear to send) and RTS (request to send), they get conneted together.
the finished product will look something like this, minus the cts rts connetion:
all of the parts can be bought off of amazon or ebay. i bought my bluetooth and circiut board off of amazon, 5v regulator from digikey, and deutsch plug from batts racing. batts racing can put the plug together for you with what ever wire color, gauge, and lenght of wire you want. it does cost more that way. i only got the parts from them and did my self. hope this helps some of you. i will be building another wireless plug with the help of hammerbuell's write up. ill try to put up pics as well.