ecmspy wireless schmatic

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I just ordered all the parts for hammerbuell's design. It was under $25 shipped. Should be here by saturday.
Any of you get this to work with the Android app ECMDroid? That is my ultimate goal as a laptop is out of the question for me. I wired up the same MDFly module with a 7805 regulator and I can't get the app to connect with the ecm.
I just built mine and it works with ecmdroid. I haven't really tested it much, but it connects and reads my tps, afv, rpm, etc.

Here is what I bought.


10k resistor
20k resistor
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It is. If you read hammers post you'd see that the RX line needs to be at 3.3v with the mdfly module. If you get a better module you won't need resistors.

Also, I just logged a 30min ride and downloaded my current eeprom. No issues as of now.
Sorry Neil.. been out enjoying the weather. Anyway, I have not been able to get the mdfly to work even with the resistors. Never once communicated. I tested all the voltages and they are stepping down correctly. So not entirely sure what the issue is. May be a bum module, I cant even get it to recognize AT commands when hooked directly to my computer.

As for your module.. the first one I got worked for about 2 mins before it fried without the resistors so I would suspect you would have had the same issue. Im waiting for one more mdfly, and I ordered another type to try as Im thinking the mdfly may be a bust, or unreliable at the least. In fact the only reason I went with the mdfly is be cause the ad claimed it was 5v tolerant, which its not. Not too bummed though, $14 and they've sent 2 now, not the end of the world.

All the ebay modules use one of 2 BT transceivers, one can be slave only, the other can be master or slave. Where they differ is the board they are mounted on. So seeing Zittele got one working and logging this should work and it may be a mdfly board issue.. or baud rate/settings issue. Not sure yet

Zittele, did you use the resistor based voltage divider circuit on yours?

If yes, any data loss?
I just spoke to the mdfly people and are they are sending me a new module as well, i figure I'll try it with the resistors and see what happens and if its still a no go I'll pick up a different module and give it a try. Like you said, its only $15 or so invested in the chip so its not a big loss.
Yes Hammer, I used your drawing exactly. I assume without it, it would have fried like yours. As for data loss, everything seemed okay, I will post up a 15 minute ride that is on my computer shortly so if you want to look at it, feel free.

Also, if people are interested I could make a couple, test em, and sell em to members here.
i got all my parts to make 2 of them. now to find time i have bluesmrif and some other brand that of couse needs stepped down. even though their add said differant.
I should use this to connect to my Arduino at the front of the bike, instead of using long wires running all the way up from my seat.
heres my write up of building my bluetooth cable for ecmspy. i use the directions from ecmspy and here. i know it was long over due, but i just got around to buliding it,

here is the parts i used: bluesmirf bluetooth chip, deutsch connector, 5v regulator, and a piece of circuit board. this problaly cost me more to build than i would like to have spent, but i have other projects im working on.

so after placing the chip and regulator where i want them it was just simple soldering. make sure the regulator the input side of the regulator is conneted to the bike 12v side and the out put is towards the bluetooth chip. the input leg is to the right if you are looking at the flat side of the regulator. the center is ground, and the left is output.



now just solder the wires to there corresponding point to the bluetooth chip. on mine the red wire is 12v, the black is ground, the blue is rx, and green is tx. so on the back of my plug top left red (12v), top right is green (tx), bottom left is blue (rx), and bottom right is black (ground).


now all is done. except my chip has 2 extra connections, CTS (clear to send) and RTS (request to send), they get conneted together.


the finished product will look something like this, minus the cts rts connetion:

all of the parts can be bought off of amazon or ebay. i bought my bluetooth and circiut board off of amazon, 5v regulator from digikey, and deutsch plug from batts racing. batts racing can put the plug together for you with what ever wire color, gauge, and lenght of wire you want. it does cost more that way. i only got the parts from them and did my self. hope this helps some of you. i will be building another wireless plug with the help of hammerbuell's write up. ill try to put up pics as well.
if you go to ecmspy's webpage, it will tell you how to set it up. and to be honest with you, i havnt set mine up yet due to it being cold and my garge just fell in and the bike was inside of it along with tools, boat, and wheeler. so unforturneitly other things have taken prioity.
i used lynxterm to program my chip. the download in on ecmspy's website. i had to change the baud rate to 9600. its actually really easy to program. once you pair the chip to your computer, run lynxterm and select the right com port, type $$$, you will get a ? mark right away, next type in d and hit enter. next type in su,9600 and hit enter. if it took right you will get AOK response. type d and hit enter again. you should now see that you baud rate it changed to 9600. now type in r,1 and hit enter. you will get the respone reboot!. you should now be ready to go. if the 9600 baud rate didnt work, try 19200 baud rate instead. use all the same commands but type in su,19200.
Built mine last evening. Xopti's android app works damned-well for a free app; played with testing the various actuators (e.g. fan, tach, etc.). Had some difficulty with logging, but wasn't actually operating the motorcycle while attempting to log. The data channels offer a great range of observables; unfortunately speed didn't seem to be among them. Now both vehicles have Bluetooth-enabled OBD
I know this has been a while, but did this work without the resistors to reduce the Rx voltage to 3.3vdc?


i used lynxterm to program my chip. the download in on ecmspy's website. i had to change the baud rate to 9600. its actually really easy to program. once you pair the chip to your computer, run lynxterm and select the right com port, type $$$, you will get a ? mark right away, next type in d and hit enter. next type in su,9600 and hit enter. if it took right you will get AOK response. type d and hit enter again. you should now see that you baud rate it changed to 9600. now type in r,1 and hit enter. you will get the respone reboot!. you should now be ready to go. if the 9600 baud rate didnt work, try 19200 baud rate instead. use all the same commands but type in su,19200.
This seems like an easier option to me:

Or PM AZMidget on here...

Thanks Cooter.

I did see this.
I like to build stuff so I've got all the bits, just wanted some input as to whether or not the resistors (10k and 20K) are absolutely needed.