AS far as you know, IS the bike all stock? Does the bike when you slow down light goes off ? Were you accellerating when this happened? Is it Only when you are actually Riding? Not moving in neutral at any RPMs, No light at all? IT does sound like the Exhaust servo on the inner air box. I'm not 100% on that but if it's under Warranty I would'nt mess with it.Mine went out at only 8,400 or so miles. It was still under warranty. Hope they fix it soon.Try to be patient with them some Dealers don't work on them to much.So they are somewhat slow on these Bikes. Might want to get in touch with the Warranty dept. If the problem persists. Give the dealer a chance to fix it a couple of times. Do you still have a Warranty? IF it is the servo for the exhaust cable that goes to the muffler it's EPA related. 5yrs,OR 18,600 OR so miles on all Buells.