Engine Rebuilt

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May 31, 2011
First off, sorry if this is posted else where, I looked around and couldn't find anything regarding this.

Some background, I was riding my 03 xb9r on the freeway, when I took my exit it wouldn't downshift and got stuck in 4th gear. I managed to ride the clutch until I got it up to speed (not the most intelligent thing to do, but hey)and noticed some clunking sounds in the engine.

Big uh oh, fast forward a couple weeks I have the engine split (with some help) and find out not only there was no transmission fluid in the primary cover, after splitting the engine the third gear was damaged. It looked like the third gear tried to engage while the fourth was still engaged.

I replaced the third gear on the main shaft, and the shifting fork/rod (messed up as well). The shifting drum was in good condition, as were the other gears/rod/forks.

Right now, after spending many hours making sure the gears on the main shaft and counter shaft are in the right place, and after verifying that the shifting forks and gears were moving properly when installed, I'm having a tough time putting the engine in one piece. I'm wondering if it's an alignment issue or if I need some special harley davidson tool to do this?

tl;dr having tough time putting engine together, can anyone shed some light - preferably with real experience?
you are trying to put the engine back in the frame now? it should fit right in, in one piece without any special tools. im not too sure what you are asking.
what point are you in putting it back together? download a service manual or send me a pm and I'll help you
man oh man is right.

My apologies, let me clarify what I'm trying to do. Currently my engine is split into two pieces, I have replaced the parts I needed to (3rd gear on mainshaft + shifting rod and fork) and now I need to put the engine halves back together.

The halves aren't coming together easily. After looking around with a flashlight the counter shaft was getting hitched before mounting in it's hole.

Now when the countershaft looked like it was aligned, the halves still wouldn't come together, there is an inch or so between the halves and tapping the halves together with a hammer didn't bear any fruit so that was given up.

Also, I have the service manual and have been using it at every step. I have also located a diagram showing which gear postion = what gear the tranny is in as well, but it hasn't been very helpful with this step.
+1 ^^^ Yes, you have to put a smooth shaft or buy the holding tool to hold that lever back when piecing them together. Had the same happen to me ;)
For sure. Remove the neutral switch (5/8) hex near drive pulley. With halves apart, hold the detent arm and put one of your 12 point head bolts in the neutral switch hole to hold the detent arm back.
Then assemble the case halves. When they go all the way together, remove the head bolt.
That's how i did it. It'll never go that last 1/2 inch without it. it's hitting the arm.
Hope this helps. Chris Let us know if it worked for ya.;)
I'll go ahead and give this a try, thanks a ton guys, will post an update hopefully soon!
I'm still having this issue. Looking inside with a flash light (a pain but can look around some) it looks like the countershaft is sitting in place, the fork rods/shifting drum aren't even close to sitting in their place but the engine halves are still being stubborn.

Did you guys have to use a lot of force, any method or tricks you used, any HD tools? I am thinking about picking up the guiding took as mentioned above.

ps halves aren't close enough together for gear indent to be in the way, but I have indent being held back at the moment.
Hmmmm. And the parts you used when buying for the tranny were all 03 parts? Only reason I sak is because I bought and 05 case half trying to mate it with an 03 and the gears run different. 03 gears are straight cut and 05 are slanted. That is one problem I ran into. Not insulting your intelligence or anything, but the devil is in the details.

Where are you at? Maybe a local Bueller that is close could help you out. If not, pics are worth a thousnad words! Try taking some of the cases split to show the insides, pics of the tranny and then pics of how close they are when they are together. Somebody might be able to see something right away. Keep us posted!
All 03 parts and I only needed to replace the 3rd gear on the main shaft, one shifting rod and fork.

I am located in puyallup, Washington (USA). I'll get some new pics taken here to show everyone where I'm at, thanks!





I know these photos don't paint the most current pictures, just a quick snap shot of where I am at (the split halves), and what I replaced (the bent fork/rod and shattered gear).

If I can clarify something don't be shy to let me know!
You are on the other side of the country for me. Hopefully someone can help you out, but I can't think of much other except maybe a shattered piece from the gear that maybe got missed (?) might be obstructing something. I also had a bit of a problem with the bearing on the bottom (right crank case half) when I put mine together, but wasn't much fuss. finally went in after a while. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Hopefully a Washingtonian might be around that has done this extent of rebuild, but I will keep up with thread and throw more suggestions if any come. Good luck!
Thanks. I've completely taken the gears out to change the bad one that got shattered, and cleaned out all the debris. What I've been thinking is the counter-shaft isn't mounting spot on.

Is it possible that the mount for the shaft needs to be lubed up? I'm on the verge of getting the guiding tool HD says you need in the manual, or track down a local/private HD mechanic to take a gander.
To anyone that can hopefully chime in on this, this thread had an issue with the engine needing to be split as well.


I notice that he has all the gears/forks/shifting drum assembly with the flywheel side (left case half). I am wondering if I need to put the halves back together like this, as right now I have the transmission (shafts/gears/shifting drum/forks/rods) on the right half, not the left.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
For anyone that is still checking up on this, new idea:

Taking one (two or three) heavy duty rubber bands around the countershaft/mainshaft assembly area and pulling them in the direction I think they need to go in order to sink in the socket properly. Afterwards cutting the rubber bands.

A stranger told me his friend did this with some heavy duty rubber bands to get two engine halves together, I'm willing to try, and hoping this is all I need.

More good news hopefully soon (I need my baby back in one piece).
When I assembled my halves, i had all the gears AND the crank in the left half. The pinion bearing (right Half) has super small clearance (like .0005").
I think i had the left half on the bench(with hole for crankshaft to fit through so it would lay flat) then installed right case with the shift detent arm held back with a head bolt. As i was intalling the right half I had to spin the crank slowly so the pinion bearing would go in. It is tricky getting the gear shafts and shift shafts into their respective holes-the rubberband thing is a good idea.( i had a brand new pinion bearing at this time-maybe why it was so tight)

Thank you for the reply chris! I'm going to try putting the halves together again tomorrow - keeping the things said in mind. I'm really hoping it's just a matter of bad alignment, and that the halves come together without further issue.

I'll update the post tomorrow, hopefully for the last time!

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