Good to know, sorry for being secretive, not trying to step on any toes.
I used to get my front rim, front cylinder head and the lower triple tree. It was much slower to ship (good 2 weeks give or take back orders), but I saved a pretty penny overall (I'm still not sure about these guys - hard to tell until you run into a problem to test their customer service).
Another helpful resource was the forum:
BadWeatherBikers where I got my fuel pump from a helpful forum member and searched plenty of their threads on this engine rehaul as well. was used to compare price points mainly, don't think I actually bought anything from here.
I used the local dealership (very pricey) for the little stuff - gaskets, some blinkers, footpeg - that I didn't mind dishing out the extra $ to get it quicker. I used ebay too, in case I found something on there - always a good idea, though I had little luck.
Some items were easy to find with their part numbers, others had their part #'s changed (swingarm bolt, some others) and it was up to google, adding "swingarm bolt" + part number and anything else I could think of.
Hope that wall of text helps, let me know if you find it useful or add in the mix!