Engine Whining?...Neutral light issues

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May 5, 2010
Something i just started to notice recently, you know that sound (a loud whine) when you put the key in and flip the kill switch to on? it lasts about 5 seconds then used to go off.i thought it was the fan at first but it seems as though it comes from the engine, it still goes off but when i start the bike it stays on the entire ride...is this normal and something i just noticed? or an issue.


the neutral light comes on every time i pull on the clutch lever when I'm riding...that's new as well, anyone have any ideas?
indy the "whine" is your fuel pump priming, that is why it stays on the entire ride. If it shuts off you would lose fuel to your injectors. as far as the neutral light coming on everytime you pull in the lever that is probably a sensor, does your bike lurch forward at red lights, your clutch could be out of adjustment.

BTW are you in Indy, Im on the southside.
not to hijack the thread or anything but where is the sensor for the neutral light located?
The noise is the fuel pump - the ECM switches it on when the kill switch is set to RUN for 4 or 5 secs and when the engine is running. Different vintage pumps have very different noise levels. My '06 X is quite loud but I can hardly hear my '09 XT.

The clutch triggering the neutral switch is related to a diode. The diode is the same size as a fuse but has a symbol on it that looks a bit like this '->|-'. This allows the clutch switch to provide a ground for the start relay if you aren't in neutral (and not toggle the neutral light). The diode is either shorted or is in backwards or has had a fuse put where the diode should be.

I have not actually seen where the diodes are positioned in XB9's but your owners manual should show this.
the neutral sensor is on the right-hand side of the cases, screwed into the case itself right next to the drive pulley/sprocket

it's a mechanical switch that uses a ball and spring to find ground when the transmission gears are positioned into neutral

it would be very easy to change out the neutral sensor, and I actually have an extra if you are interested in that pursuit
Thanks everyone, so if i wanted to embark on this task of switching out the fuel pumps, one off of a newer model could quiet it up?

Thorivola, I'm gonna mess around with it a bit and i might take you up on that offer! This didn't happen untill i got a new relay for the LED signals so it kinda threw me off as to why it would only light up when the clutch was engaged or in neutral.

1stxb9r- yea I'm on the south side as well, greenwood area. Not too many Buellers around here haha
you can test the neutral sensor simply by using continuity on a multimeter

the only way it would go back is if part of the switch is somehow jacked up inside, a possible but unlikely event

I'll take some pictures of the neutral sensor tonight to show you where and how it works

the fuel pump is actually pretty easy to get to, it's on the left side of the tank right near the rider left-hand footpeg

the real reason the fuel pumps make the nasty noises they do is the o-rings internally begin to wear out

you can get replacement o-rings at ACE hardware or a similar place and do the rebuild yourself, the pump itself doesn't fail or get hurt because of the noise, it just makes it because of the leaking o-rings

I have an extra fuel pump I'm going to rebuild as well, I'll take pics and do a write up sometime
The nuetral light comes on because you have a bad diode change the diode and the light will quite coming on every time you pull it in! Easy fix!
The nuetral light comes on because you have a bad diode change the diode and the light will quite coming on every time you pull it in! Easy fix!

Yeah, the neutral position switch is like a $15 part from a dealer. Takes about 15 minutes to switch.
The clutch triggering the neutral switch is related to a diode. The diode is the same size as a fuse but has a symbol on it that looks a bit like this '->|-'. This allows the clutch switch to provide a ground for the start relay if you aren't in neutral (and not toggle the neutral light). The diode is either shorted or is in backwards or has had a fuse put where the diode should be.


that's a crazy amount of info!

I am no electronics expert so that explanation could help me a lot in the future, awesome!

rep point for you :D[up]